Bo Staff q9 Divine 20/20 Heal
Mid Nighty
*** Closed by Mid Nighty ***
4 armbraces, interested in b/o
IGN: Godly Was Neukku
IGN: Godly Was Neukku
5 braces thanks ^^
Lady Sapphire
Lady Sapphire
Panda Grrr
200e .......
Ravaidan jalir
The Silent Assassin
10 armbraces
Evyl Hart
Evyl Hart
10 ambraces + 60e. . .
The Silent Assassin
15 armbraces..........
500 ecto
Mid Nighty
A little Bump, 500e is a good start

The Silent Assassin
20 braces........
600 ecto
Eragon Selene
610 rtr.... Need more letters
The Silent Assassin
22 braces..........
Mid Nighty
Bump, added b/o.
Mid Nighty
Bump, lowered b/o.
Bo q11 DF 20/20 Heal + 350e.
PM if interested.
IGN : Vizi Le Pur
PM if interested.
IGN : Vizi Le Pur
Mid Nighty
Bump, I will sell the staff ofr the best offer within the next 2-3 days.
@ Vizi: Ty for your offer, but I prefer the braces/ectos
@ Vizi: Ty for your offer, but I prefer the braces/ectos

Eragon Selene
Bo + 400e (last offer :x)
The Silent Assassin
23 braces............
Mid Nighty
Last up and your last chance to save this staff for your collection

Eragon Selene
645e.....all ectos no arms
The Silent Assassin
wow really, a whole 1 ecto overbid.....
100k + 23 braces
100k + 23 braces