Multiple Selling Locations You are allowed to accept bids and/or offers for a particular item in only one location on this site, either:
Sell, High End, or Auctions You are allowed to post a link to any other threads you may have in Ventari, but you may not prompt or accept bids on the same item in more than one location under any circumstance. Do not list items for sale in a Buy thread. You may leave a link directing users to your Sell thread, but the listings in Buy threads should never feature items you are selling. Illegal TradesYou are only allowed to trade items you have on your character. If you are selling an item on behalf of another user, you must have the item on your account. You may not list items you intend to have for sale until you actually have them. Because you violated the guidelines your thread is now closed.
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.