For Sale
Green Weapons
sskai's Sword - 2k
Zelnehlun's Longbow - 1k
Murakai's Reaver - 2k
Chaklin's Axe - 3k
Scepter of the Keeper - 4k
Reefclaw's Refuge 2k
Geoffer's Bulwark 3k
Max Gold Weapons (all Inscripted)
Fiery Dragon Sword(r12) - 1k
Righteous Maul(r9) - 3k
[Hardcoded] Icy Blade Axe(r10) - 22k
Max purple Weapons
Max Inscripted Fiery Gladius (r9), Hardcoded not fiery hilt - 1k
Mods(All Maxed)
Weapon mods
Sundering Sword Hilt 4k
Bow Grip of Deathbane - 1.5k
Sundering Dagger Tang - 2k
Icy Scythe Snathe - 3k
Fiery Scythe Snathe - 3k
Vampiric Scythe Snathe - 2.5k
Wand Wrapping of Quickening - 2k
Offhand mods
Focus Core of Fortitude - 2k
Focus Core of Devotion - 1k
Strength and Honor (+15^50) - 1k
~Spellcaster's Weapons~
Hale and Hearty (+5 energy^50) - 2k
~Martial Weapons~
I Have the Power! (+5 energy) - 2k
--Off Hand--
Nothing to Fear (-3Dmg while hex) - 1k
All out

Minis - All are Unded
Abyssal - 5k
Cave Spider - 10k
Cloudtouched Simian - 5k
Fire Imp - 3k
Forest Minotaur - 7k
Fungal wallow - 500g
Jungle Troll - 500g
Juggernaut - 3k
Harpy Ranger - 3k
Heket Warrior - 2k
Hydra - 500g
Mandragor Imp - 2k
Mursaat - 10k
Necrid Horsemen - 1k
Raptor - 10k
Siege Turtle - 500g
Whiptail Devourer - 500g
Koss - 6k
Freezie - 12k
Charr Shaman - 5k
Ooze - 14k
Kirin - 6k
Pig - 25k
Misc(prices are for the stack amount listed unless specified otherwise)
Mercantile Summoning Stonesx5 - 400g
Phantasmal Tonic - 400g
Mysterious Tonicsx5 - 4k
If you see any of it you would like, send me an ingame tell (Manu Daecolt) or post your ingame name here with your desired Item and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Ill edit the list when one item sells/get updates, etc.