Bradols WTS Thread
Warrior Bradols
10k on purple crista ! 
ign : Fafa La Guedin

ign : Fafa La Guedin
10k on mini Ceratadon
10k on mini Varesh
IGN: Sjack A
10k on mini Varesh
IGN: Sjack A
13k on that crystal sword thing
Warrior Bradols
Bring this up please,
Dedicated Miniature Asura (gold)
Ded Pig
Ded Destroyer
5k ea
IGN Lord Anjing
Ded Pig
Ded Destroyer
5k ea
IGN Lord Anjing
7k on ded destroyer
15k on Zealous Crystalline Sword of Fortitude
15k on Zealous Crystalline Sword of Fortitude
Luke D
15k gothic axe
IGN Lorelei Sigent
IGN Lorelei Sigent
Oo Beast Oo
14 Honeycombs 3.5k
IGN: Oo Beast Oo
IGN: Oo Beast Oo
10k Destroyer
18k Crystalline (is that the one that dropped during our UW run 2 years ago after we met ?)
18k Crystalline (is that the one that dropped during our UW run 2 years ago after we met ?)
Warrior Bradols
Bring this up please
Yep its the same one cleav
Yep its the same one cleav

12k on polymock stone rain
Aidan Aim
Aidan Aim
Warrior Bradols
Back from holidays
Bring this up please
Bring this up please
Midnight Sands
20k on crystalline.. Interested in b/o...
IGN: Midnight Waters
IGN: Midnight Waters
Pure Killin
30k on crystalline, interested in b/o as well.
IGN: Echo of Thousands
IGN: Echo of Thousands
Midnight Sands
35k on crystalline.
Pure Killin
37k on crystalline
Midnight Sands
40k on crystalline.
Pure Killin
43k on crystalline
IGN :Echo of Thousands
IGN :Echo of Thousands
Master Astaldo
Ded Celestial Pig: 6k
Ded Gray Giant: 5k
Ded Ceratadon: 12k
IGN: Master Astaldo
Ded Gray Giant: 5k
Ded Ceratadon: 12k
IGN: Master Astaldo
Warrior Bradols
Bring this up please
15k on mini Ceratadon
3k on 10Jars of Honey+10golden eggs
ign Meltdown Dominator
ign Meltdown Dominator
Meka Silverstone
Will Buy all sugar that you will sell at 100g/pt