hi, i would like to have a price check on this shield
ornated buckler
q9 tactics uninscr
-2 in a stance vs physical dmg
+42 health while in a stance
personaly i think it's merch food but asking never hurts
pc q9 ornated buckler uninscr
The Female Necro
The HP mod ain't max and the skin is awful - i would merch it.
With the imperfect mods and the fairly common and unpopular skin, I doubt this is likely to sell for more than ~5kish these days, if that.
Like every skin, it does have its fans (I'm one of them!) but this one hasn't ever seemed to have enough fans to drive the prices up.
Cheers & GL!
Like every skin, it does have its fans (I'm one of them!) but this one hasn't ever seemed to have enough fans to drive the prices up.
Cheers & GL!