1. Weapons

Dadao sword q9 15^ench
s/b: 10k
Jade Staff q9 Communing 20/10
s/b: 5k
War Hammer (spiked) q9 perfect
s/b: 10k
Shield of the Lion 15/q8 insc
s/b: 10k
Gloom Shields q9 Tactics insc x 2
b/o: 10k
Mammoth axe q9 15/-5
b/o: 5k
2. Minis:
After several years of play, I still have few miniatures unded in my stock.
So, here they are:

These 21 MiniPets are all Undedicated !
Year One
White > 1k/ea
* Devourer x 2
* Hydra
* Jade Armor
* Necrid Horseman x 2
* Siege Turtle
* Jungle Troll x 4
Year Two
White > 2k/ea
* Heket x 3
* Mandragor Imp
* Wind Rider
Year Three
White > 5k/ea
* Roaring Ether
* Irukandji
* Forest Minotaur x 2
* Abyssal
3. Misc:
Royal Gifts x 6 :
s/b: 15k/ea
IGN: Zwibir Il
*Please close all my olders threads*