|FLASH STORE|SO FAST it feels like an in-game STORE

soul shaper

soul shaper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010


TRADES so FAST it feels like an in-game STORE!
Just check the comments below!

THE [GODS] shop !!!
if the light is green in online on the game right now !
if its red i am offline.

IM on from 18:00 to 24:00 (UTC) i will check this tread at least once a day!
if u need me to be on other than the time above just ask so we can arrange it.(i will only wait 30mim after the arranged time so don't get late)

my Igm:"Rokamin Desiderio", "O Usurpador" (post searing)
Igm:A capadora(pre-searing)
Prices are b/o only !!

-------------Post searing ----------------------
Everlasting Tonic
x1 Everlasting Macabre Tonic 20e
Unseen 50ectos(sold)

Regular Tomes
x16Warrior 600g
x11Assassin 200g
x2Dervish 600g
x1Paragon 500g
x2Ranger 300g
x2Elementalist 800g
x5Mesmer 400g
x6Ritualist 1k
x7Monk 1.5k
x2Necromancer 800g


Elite Tomes

x1Warrior 7k
x2Assassin 4k
x0Dervish 7k
x0Paragon 6k
x7Ranger 6k
x4Elementalist 8k
x2Mesmer 7k
x1Ritualist 10k
x1Monk 9k
x0Necromancer 9k

X1Salma (dedicated) 40k
x4Jade armour(1k)
x3Siege turtle(1k)
x2Koss (10k)
x3Pig (20k)
x1Cave Spider(20k)

(all items are inscribable if not it will be stated)

Nightmare Scythereq 9 5k (sold)
Crenellated Scythe req 9 5k

Platinum Broadsword req 9 10k
Crested Machetereq 9 5k
Vampiric Dragon Sword req 9 +3-1 hp 28k (Nicholas the Traveler weapon)
Greater Sage Bladereq 9 5k (big weapon)
Mammoth Bladereq 10 10k
Igneous Blade req9 5k
Greater Dark Scimitar req 10 5k
Brute Swordreq 9 5k(10% double adrenaline )
Highlander Blade Caster moded (20%encht + 5 energy) 15k(sold)

Hand Axe req 12 15^50 ,7ar vs physical 10k
Tribal Axe req 11 10k(+3 -1 Life drain, ar +5 , 15^enchant)
ancient axereq 9 5k
Morning Star Axe req 9(non inscribable) 15%vs hexed foes energy +1 -1 , axe mastery +1(20%) 15k
Summit Axe req 12 axe 3k
Fiery Blade Axereq 13 axe ( fire damage axe mastary +1 15^enchant) 5k
Gemstone Axereq11 4k
Celestial Axereq9 +30 hp lighting damage 15^stance,or 15^50 25k (CELESTIAL WEAPON)

Serrated Spear req 12 7k
Bronzehead Spear req 9 5k
Greater Guardian Spear r9 spear 15^50 30hp double adren 10% 15k(purple)(sold)
Nightmare Spear req 9 10k(sold)
Brass Spear r10 ice damage ,+7ar vs elemental, insc:Strength and Honor 15~50 4k

Steel Daggers req 9 5k(sold)
Hooked Daggers req 9 15^50 non inscrabable 10k

Guardian of the Hunt +10 ar vs piercing req 10 15k (non inscabable)
Aureate Aegisreq 9 motivation 20k
Reinforced Defenderreq 12 motivation 4k
Summit Warlord Shield req 10 tactics +45hp and -2 damage while enchant 15k (enchant moded)(sold)
Iridescent Aegis req 11 tactics 10k
Gloomreq 11 str 4k
Suntouchedreq 8 motivation 10k
Suntouchedreq 11 command 4k
Equine Aegisreq 11 tactics5k
Enameled - 20k(sold)
Diamond Aegisreq 9 motivation insc -3 damage while hexed 11k

Cloudburst Wand req 9 air 10k
Golden Pillarr9 earth 7k
Whalekin Wandreq 9 water 5k
Holy Rod req 9 divine 5k HSR 19%
Writhing Focusreq 9 restoration 10k
Eternal Flame Wand req 10 healing 5k
Silver Boar Scepter req 11 Spawning Power 5k

Water Staff re9 water 5k
Eerie Staffr9 comuning 10k
Dragon Spire Staff req 11 inspiration 4k
Soul Spire r10 soul reaping 5k
Channeling Staff req 11 Channeling 4k
Holy Branch req 12 divine +5 armour +45 hp while enchanted 5k
Protective Staffreq9 prot +5 mana 6k(sold)

Igneous Maul req 9 5k(sold)
War Hammer (spiked) req 10 10k +7ar vs elemental 15^stance , lighting damage
Ivory Hammer req 9 +7 ar, energy +1-1 +15^50 4k
Hawkeye Hammer req 9 30 hp , double adenal 10%, 15^50 19k

Focus/Off hand
Whalekin Wandreq 9 water 5k
Healing Ankhreq 9 healing 5k
Eerie Focus (Nightfall)req 11 comuning 5k
Jeweled Chalicereq 9 inspiration 5k
Storm Artifactreq 9 air 5k
Idol (hand) req 9 blood 5k
Accursed Icon (diamond) re9 curses 5k
Holy Vialreq 9 prot 6k
Spined Focus req 9 blood 15k
Skull Brush req 9 curses 5k(sold)
Starfish Focus req 13 inspiration HcT insp 19% 5k
Starfish Focus req 9 inspiration 10k

Bladed Recurve Bow re 9 5k
Hornbow (Mursaat) req 12 cold damage 19^hexed ,+1markmanship 10k(non) insc
Half Moon req 9 4k
Vabbian Flatbow r10 energy +1-1 15^enchant +30 hp 25 k (fully moded)

Mallyx's Courage6k(sold)
Mallyx's Supremacy6k
Aegis of Terror20k(sold)

(JUST ASK) Prices are = GURU Inscriptions PC

Weapon Mods
(JUST ASK) Prices are = GURU Weapon Mods PC

Lockpicks : .
x4 KEG 15K
x99Perfect salvage KIT 1.5k
x47 Four-leaf Clover 400g (sold)
x45 mysterious summoning 500g
x19 Automaton Summoning Stone 750g ea
x500 Honeycomb 300g ea
x101Wintergreen Candy Cane 300g ea
x82Rainbow Candy Cane 300g ea
x76Peppermint Candy Cane 300g ea
x151Cupcakes 500g each
Shadow Axe req 9 7k(sold)
Golden Machete req 9 3k(sold)
Fellblade req9 +20% enchant 20k(sold)
drakonic spear req 11 10k(sold)
ceremonial cauldron (sold)
emerald edge req 12 unidentified (sold)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2009

The Netherlands


x10Mesmer 300g

don darkos


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2010

Emerald egde!!!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




ceremonial cauldron 3k

B/O please

EDIT: Ty for quick trade, a++


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2009

Valiant Knight Order


B/o Emerald edge

Very nice and fast trade very happy with this seller


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2010

Hai Forku Desu Dong


I'd like Dervish tomes.
If you have Elite Dervishes when you are online I'll get them too. Same for normal paragon.
And 1 steel daggers.

IGN : Hikari Zwei.

Callme Monk X

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2010

Storming Atlantis [SuNk]


If you run across an Emerald Edge, Voilet Edge or Cerulean Edge plz let me know

EDITED by Cosyfiep
for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.

Iron Hawk_FIN

Iron Hawk_FIN

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2007


Marked Frostclaw [Claw]


I'll take 2x beastmaster's insignia, 1x radiant insignia, 1x rune of attunement in Pre. Payment in post, thanks.
Trade done! Very reliable trader. I paid in post in advance, and I got the runes after in pre, and fast, thanks.
IGN: Torsti Alatissi



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2009


Guardiani di Tyria


retired, sorry for the mistake

I Eat Your Head

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2008


-Warrior elite tome x2
-Gloom Shield
-Golden Machete
-Igneous Blade
-30+ hp for shield
-"I Have the Power" -inscription

IGN: I eat your head

Ty for rly fast trade!



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


-> Protective Staffreq9 prot +5 mana 6k

IGN: The Lurking Lich

EDIT: Thanks for fast and smooth trade!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006


Just Smile And Nod [PMS]


Greater Guardian Spear r9 spear mastery 15k

I'll take this if it's gold

IGN Dave Wipes In Pve



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005


Super Fast response got items right away, ty!!

EDITED by Sierraa
for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to update your existing bid with more information your existing post and PM the seller. Do not post a new non-bid reply. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.

reaper of the live

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

reaper of the live


healing ankh r9 and skull brush r9 IGN reaper of the live


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2010

Aureate Aegis 10k
IGN - il Divine Healer il



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010



Jeweled Chalice req 9 inspiration 5k

IGN: Kiro Dellingr

professor nergak

professor nergak

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009


ill take the brute sword for 5k

soul shaper

soul shaper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010


BUmP me UP !! im on!! IGM: Rokamin Desiderio

soul shaper

soul shaper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010


bump me up!!

Crystal Of Winter

Crystal Of Winter

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

London, UK


Siege turtle(1k)

IGN: Fall Of Autumn



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2008


Society of Souls [Argh]


Mallyx's Supremacy 6k

ign:Empress Luindy Amor

soul shaper

soul shaper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010


BUMP me up !!

soul shaper

soul shaper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010


bump me up !!!

soul shaper

soul shaper

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010


Bum ME UP !! im not just post what u want im back tomorrow !
addes several stuff !



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006




3 honeycombs

IGN: Partial Insanity

Ghandi Andy

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2009


One pig and koss please
IGN: im fine how are you

Xtra life

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Wenn Luck zur Gewohnheit wird [SkiL]


18 honeycombs ign xtra life



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2008


Society of Souls [Argh]


1 pig

ign:Empress Luindy Amor



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2009


I'll take 10 Mysterious Summoning Stone - 500g ea

IGN: Rytualistka Kintaju