Allright this is what I'm selling at the moment.
Elite monk tomes 7k each
Byzzr's Benediction 500g each (16)
Hidesplitter's Spear 7k (sold ingame)
Unded mini Rurik 10k(sold to Gargantuan Midget)
Unded mini Mandragor 1k
Vampiric Scythe mod 1k
Icy scythe mod 1k
+45hp^while in stance [Shield mod]
''Run for your life'' Insc -2 dmg recived^stance [Shield insc]
Vampiric dagger mod 1k
That's all for now.
You can reach me ingame(gmt+1) or by posting your ign here, I will check here daily.
IGN: Im Hopless
Elite monk tomes and some other random stuff.
Gargantuan Midget
I'll take the Mini Rurik
IGN Gargantuan Midget
IGN Gargantuan Midget