PC strange shields, please? (+1 x magic, +10 vs)

Drelias Melaku

Drelias Melaku

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

Avatar by unsolvedenigma.deviantart

Denizens of the Underdark [Nite]


Both are Shadow Shields, q12 Strength, gold, max, non-insc.

First is single-modded: Death Magic +1 (19% chance)

Second is dual modded: Protection Prayers +1 (20% chance), +10 armor vs. undead

I've had the first sitting around for a couple years now, but just got the second a few weeks ago. Any idea of price, please?

EDIT: Also q9 Tactics gold, max, non-insc Ornate Shield, +42/stance, which I'm assuming is worthless but I just want to double-check.



Worlds Hexiest Man

Join Date: Jun 2006


First = Merchant
3rd = merchat

2nd hmmmm the mods may..... (and i use the term may lightly) may be usable for a monk unded farm build.... I dont know of any that would scream for this thou. The req kills it from a collectors stand point. If it was a req 9 it might sell for a little to someone collecting oddball shields. R12.... might fetch a few k for it. Can try listing in "Sell" or just save the time and merch it.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2010

wtb vs Dragons shields!

Vengeance Of The Night


The first one is merch fodder, like all monomod shields.