price check please! gold shield 16/8q


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2009

gold text/unidentified/shield of the wing skin with 16 AR/8Q tactics. someone pc this for me please.

also is a white text/shield of the wing skin/no mod/ with 15ar/7q tactics worth anything?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008


Unidentified shield is worth 700 gold, like any other unidentified item.

You must identify it. If it has 2 good mods (one +30/+45 e/s health and one damage reduction) it will be worth something. Or if it is inscribable.
Identify it, so someone can PC it properly.

White items, or blue/purple/gold one-mod shields are worthless (only merchant will buy them).