War In Krya Greens[Post Nerf] Q9 Earth BDS

prey monkie

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2009

[OhNo] Mallyx and Friends


I have no idea how much the post nerf Greens are worth so might need to change to low end but w/e

Post Nerf
The Hammer of Justice
S/b 1337g

The Holy Avenger
S/b 1337g

Q9 Earth BDS
C/o 70e

offers from old thread:


EDITED by LicensedLuny
- You may not list the prenerf War In Kryta greens for sale here because they are most likely to be removed from the game in an upcoming update.
I have removed them from your listing here. Do not put them back.

***BUYERS/SELLERS BEWARE*** War in Kryta Glitched Items

Kihm the great

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2009

EDITED by LicensedLuny
- You may not list or bid on the prenerf War In Kryta greens for sale here because they are most likely to be removed from the game in an upcoming update.
I have removed the item from the OP and your "bid" on it.

***BUYERS/SELLERS BEWARE*** War in Kryta Glitched Items

E1: isnt there already update that changed them to normal?

portus magnus

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2009


75 ectos on bds
ign portus magnus


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



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