Hopefully this is an easy one. I'd like to see a screenshot of the Vabbian scar on my necro, please. Would also very much like to see Ancient scar. Undyed and/or black would be lovely, but any color is fine.
If you happen to have a Blindfold, I wouldn't mind seeing that, too, but priority at the moment is just these scars. Thank you in advance!
EDIT: Thank you, Oscura! <3 And thank you for the speed, and even including Kurzick!
EDIT2: I ended up buying the Ancient one, but still couldn't hurt to see the Blindfold with that hairstyle.
To mods: Sorry, I know I had a request for the blindfold already, but this thread was originally intended for Vabbian... Then decided I wanted to see Ancient, too, and then figured that while I had this up, I might as well throw in the Blindfold. :s
Female necro - Ancient scar/Blindfold on my necro's face
Drelias Melaku
I got the vabbian, its dyed silver.