HUGE Oldschool Collection - canthan staves, scepters, +10vs demons, Olsq Crysta, more
Diao Xiao
Unid 1 - 15 ecto
Red Fireball
I´ll offer 15e on D(emons)1 Diamond aegis to start
IGN Red Fireball Rusher
IGN Red Fireball Rusher
SW2 -- > 50ectos
IGN: Godly Was Neukku
IGN: Godly Was Neukku
Z1 80ecto
B3 100k
you won't sell anyways
B3 100k
you won't sell anyways

Ty, nice friendly, cool trade
Cset2 -> 50e
SW3 -> 40e
SW3 -> 40e
s3 - 15e
c set 3 - 15e
c set 3 - 15e
Aerus Morgal
SH1 : 50e
s/b everything.. (lulz)
80e SW1, ty.
80e SW1, ty.
C SET 3 20e ---- ...:::Scarabshell Aegis q7/15:::... 10e
S3 33e --- Z1 100e ---- SH1 60e --- C SET 2 60e ---
ign: Sit Watch And Learn
S3 33e --- Z1 100e ---- SH1 60e --- C SET 2 60e ---
ign: Sit Watch And Learn
hey, 30e on NEC SET1, ty
IGN : Pineapple Theory
IGN : Pineapple Theory
Gwenael Daessa
SH2 - 10e
SH3 - 25e
P1 - 2e
P2 - 6,9e
B1 - 69k (lol,isn't it the old bow of my brother?)
< ign
SH3 - 25e
P1 - 2e
P2 - 6,9e
B1 - 69k (lol,isn't it the old bow of my brother?)
< ign
35e b/o on the 15/7 Scarabshell please. (I looked, but there's no green number to use, sorry.
Thanks & Cheers!
EDIT - just picked it up. Propmpt, friendly, hassle-free trade with no surprises = A+ feedback! Thanks again & Good luck with sales!
35e b/o on the 15/7 Scarabshell please. (I looked, but there's no green number to use, sorry.

Thanks & Cheers!
EDIT - just picked it up. Propmpt, friendly, hassle-free trade with no surprises = A+ feedback! Thanks again & Good luck with sales!
Aerus Morgal
SH5 : 20e
SH1 : 70e
SH3 : 30e
SH1 : 70e
SH3 : 30e
20e on C2 and C1
Very intrested in one or the other, hit up in game if possible.
Ign: Kairi Eternal
Very intrested in one or the other, hit up in game if possible.
Ign: Kairi Eternal
Frozen Ele
7e on S6
Gwenael Daessa
SH3 -> 33e

PO3 = 10e
Z2 = 50e
ig; Artaban Puli
Z2 = 50e
ig; Artaban Puli
55e on SW2
IGN: Arhen Mael
IGN: Arhen Mael
For all those who didnt reade the rules... Once again:
plzzzz dont pm me ingame for b/o's or r/b....
r/b are and will stay hidden all the time and ill add b/o's when i see that there is enough interest in any item.
If you want one of the items fast and before a b/o is added.... feel free to send me a pm with a b/o offer.
But do it HERE not ingame. ty
-Added some new b/o's.
-Lowered some b/o's.
Ty for offers so far =)
For all those who didnt reade the rules... Once again:
plzzzz dont pm me ingame for b/o's or r/b....
r/b are and will stay hidden all the time and ill add b/o's when i see that there is enough interest in any item.
If you want one of the items fast and before a b/o is added.... feel free to send me a pm with a b/o offer.
But do it HERE not ingame. ty
-Added some new b/o's.
-Lowered some b/o's.
Ty for offers so far =)
Aerus Morgal
H set 1 :10ecto
PO4 = 15e
ig: artaban puli
ig: artaban puli
Bring up my Post
30e on PO1
Aidan Aim
Aidan Aim
Can You Take A Hex
7e on PO8
IGN: Can You Take A Hex
IGN: Can You Take A Hex
Retract my offer on SW2
Can You Take A Hex
4e on PO1
IGN: Can You Take A Hex
IGN: Can You Take A Hex
belladonna shylock
PO8 100k+2e
IGN Belladonna Shylock
IGN Belladonna Shylock
PO8 - 20e
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
13e H set 1
*Edit* - bad format
*Edit* - bad format
C3 7e-------------
Obey The Cat
15e SH2..........
Sola Stormbourne
S5 - 70k please
IGN: Sola Stormbourne
IGN: Sola Stormbourne
belladonna shylock
PO8 - B/O 25e
IGN Belladonna Shylock
IGN Belladonna Shylock
B/o po1
40e for r8 1010 cele staff
40e for r8 1010 cele staff
Gabi Loves Uranus
B/O on SH5
120e on SH1
40e C3
Gabi Teh Wooka
120e on SH1
40e C3
Gabi Teh Wooka
Ariena Najea
5e on Woven Shield = C/O: ---, B/O: 25e
The Noobs Killer
5e on C3 Really Really Really intrested in B/o pm<~~~ign:The Noobs Killer
Shadow Sin
55e alone as an offer for the 15/-1, 20% HSR Healing from C Set 2