Saphira´s Storage Clearout


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2008



All Weapons are Gold|Inscriptable|Max unless otherwise noted


Q 13 Demon Fangs 70k
Q 8 Fellbalde [blue] 25e
Q 8/15 Summit Warlord Shield Tactic[blue] 25k
Q 8/15 Great Conch Tactic [blue] 10k
Q 11 Fellbade e+5 oldq. 5k
Q 11 Eternal Shield Strength 28k
Q 11 Eternal Shield Moti 15k
Q 13 Eternal Shield Tactics 15k
Q 13 Mursaat-Hammer 5k
Q 11 Stormbow 25k
Q 9 Zodiac Axe 25k
Q 10 Plagueborn Sword 15^50 oldq. 6k
Q 8/15 Aureate Aegis Moti [blue] 10k

Other Stuff:

8 Royal Gifts 7k/each
1 Keg of Aged Hunter`s Ale 13k
1 Deldrimor Armor Remnant 15k
1 Primeval Armor Remnant 6k
13 Elite Sin Tomes 2k/each
9 Elite Paragon Tomes 5k/each
6 Elite Dervish Tomes 5k/each

Ing: S A P H I or pm via guru



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2008



3k each all elite paragon and dervish tomes

IGN: Godly Was Neukku

interpret interupt

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2009



summit warlord shield please 25k
pm me on guru or in game

IGN: Adogg has a backup