Is it possible to do DoA with just 2 players and 6 heroes and still doing reasonable fast runs? If so, any build suggestions?
Me and my friend tried with a few half-ass team builds we made ourselves, but it didn't go too well (very slow and dangerous)
I could bring a rit/para/sin/monk/necro (and perhaps ele) to DoA, but my friend only has a warrior and necro available at that point in the game.
I know its better and faster to go with a team of players using current metas, but we like to discover things abit first before we go on rush/farm-mode :P
DoA with 2 players?
Mallyx Heroway
This build calls for a para and war player and 6 heroes, done in NM.
This build calls for a para and war player and 6 heroes, done in NM.
I recommend this one.
I recommend this one.
Of course it is possible, but what do you mean by fast? 20 minutes? 60?
As Timey posted it you can use Heroway, but you can use your brain too.
Not so fast (3h+) but safe. I used rezz 1 time - when grenth's balance killed tahlkora. You can see 3/6 of all heroes there, rest of them are HB, SS and SoS Spirit Spammer.
As Timey posted it you can use Heroway, but you can use your brain too.
Not so fast (3h+) but safe. I used rezz 1 time - when grenth's balance killed tahlkora. You can see 3/6 of all heroes there, rest of them are HB, SS and SoS Spirit Spammer.
I've done it 2 man with a sin and a para.
You can do it with a variety of team structures. Like someone else said, just use your brain. If you post you and your heroes' bars, we can probably help tweak them and comment on them.
I think heroway is only designed to kill mallyx and not the other 4 areas. Mallyx is actually very simple. Don't bring enchantments. With that said, you'll find teams based around a combination of spirits, weapon spells, and shouts work fine, with a lot of room for variance.
You can do it with a variety of team structures. Like someone else said, just use your brain. If you post you and your heroes' bars, we can probably help tweak them and comment on them.
I think heroway is only designed to kill mallyx and not the other 4 areas. Mallyx is actually very simple. Don't bring enchantments. With that said, you'll find teams based around a combination of spirits, weapon spells, and shouts work fine, with a lot of room for variance.
We used our brains, but its not that easy if you have never been there or if you not used to do the tougher areas in the game 
Making your own builds isn't that easy if you aren't THAT familiar with the spells or builds that could be usefull in those areas
We made decent progress, but we had to be extremly cautious and slow.

Making your own builds isn't that easy if you aren't THAT familiar with the spells or builds that could be usefull in those areas
We made decent progress, but we had to be extremly cautious and slow.
Lethal Primate
Fast easy and quick, with some practice you can get under 1 hour 30 min NM runs. They say it can be used in HM, but I have my doubts.
Fast easy and quick, with some practice you can get under 1 hour 30 min NM runs. They say it can be used in HM, but I have my doubts.