Highend Items :) Magma, Crystalline Set, req8s
teh bestest is here
Marvin the Martian
20e on the Long Sword. ^^
leet noobified
200e longsword.
Aerus Morgal
50e on krytan axe
magmas shield 50ecto... pm b/o plz! rly interested
IGN = Mrs Morphium
IGN = Mrs Morphium
Firefighter Fred
s/b on the purple crystalline set
teh bestest is here
lets bring up this post
250e longsword.
teh bestest is here
bump, not impressed by any offers yet >.<
teh bestest is here
bring up this post please
I must say the longsword is amazing. 100e on Crystalline set.
IGN Mission Fire Storm
IGN Mission Fire Storm
wow nice stuff. 40 ectos on defender.
teh bestest is here
bring up this post please
teh bestest is here
bring up this post please
Oh < Moqua Tyroth ing.