Hello everybody! Take a peek at my wares. B/O only please. :]
All items on a first come, first serve basis.
Some items I give away due to the fact that I would rather give them to someone who needs them than waste them by merching.
IGN - V The Godsend
Mini Pets
I don't care much for my mini pets, so just make me an offer.
Wind Rider - Dedicated
Kirin - Dedicated
Fungal Wallow - (1) Dedicated, (1) Unded
Temple Guardian - (1)Dedicated, (1) Unded
Juggernaut - Dedicated
Harpy Ranger - Dedicated
Raptor - Dedicated
Fire Imp - Dedicated
Aatxe - Dedicated
Siege Turtle - Dedicated
Whiptail Devourer - Dedicated
Jungle Troll - Dedicated
Offer for any of these. Don't need them.
8 x Scroll of Rampager's Insight
3 x Scroll of Adventurer's Insight
2 x Scroll of Hero's Insight
2 x Scroll of Slayer's Insight
1 x Scroll of Berserker's Insight
1 x "Strength and Honor" - 12^50
1 x "Strength and Honor" - 13^50
2 x "Strength and Honor" - 14^50
1 x "Only the Strong Survive" - Reduce Weakness duration 20%
1 x "To The Pain!" Dmg^15/Armor -10 while attacking
1 x Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 20%
1 x Spear Grip of Fortitude - +25
1 x Axe Grip of Fortitude - +25
1 x Staff Wrapping of Fortitude - +28
1 x Staff Wrapping of Shelter - +6 armor. Freebie.
All free.
4 x Stalwart Insignia
1 x Blessed Insignia
2 x Undertaker's Insignia
1 x Minion Master's Insignia
1 x Bloodstained Insignia
Gold Celestial Longbow of Marksmanship - req 10, 15^50, Marks +1/20% - 3-5k
Murakai's Reaver - 2k
Riktund's Maul - 5k
2 x Warrior Rune of Superior Absorption - 1k each.
3 x Warrior Rune of Major Absorption - Offer.
Random Items!
Offer on most of these, as I have no idea what they go for.
1 x Powerstone of Courage
1 x Armor of Salvation
1 x Chocolate Bunny - Free.
3 x Bottles of Grog
8 x Shamrock Ales
1 x Essence of Celerity
12 x Four Leaf Clovers - 2k OBO.
1 x Golden Egg
2 x Creme Brulee
1 x Flask of Firewater
Thanks for shopping!
Fawkes' Small Sale
That Guy Fawkes
Marty Silverblade
100g/sugar point.
Shadetz X
1 x Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 20%
ign shadetz x
ign shadetz x