Some botters/match manipulators were only banned on one account for their crimes, but there are those who have been straight-up IP-Banned (meaning, all existing accounts on them have and will be banned, no matter what)
Now, I haven't the slightest clue if anyone who has been banned has successfully bought and continued to keep a new account shortly after being Dhuum'd, but I have heard of those who haven't been so lucky.
What I want to know, from both the banned and the baffling, is if those who have had their accounts terminated should be allowed to purchase and keep new accounts.
From what I hear, Dhuum is still banning offenders of the UELA, so even if players continue to violate their terms of agreement, he should automatically find and scythe them.
In my opinion, sure, why not? They payed their price, and wish to start from scratch. And if they get caught again, then they deserve to either quit the game or shell out more dough to play.
(Please note, I do not want this to turn into a I shouldn't have to pay them again cuz I was innocent thread. We have enough of those, and frankly, I am getting tired of reading them. This is a simple YES OR NO *or /signed, /notsigned* thread on whether or not the banned should be allowed to keep new accounts following their termination)
Let the Banned Keep New Accounts?
If you purchase a brand new account, our Support Team will not take action on your account (i.e. ban it) so long as this new account remains free of any incidents requiring action from the Support Team. If you engage in activity that goes against the User Agreement and you are reported for it, this will attract the attention of the Support Team, at which point, they will take action if your account is found to have broken the User Agreement.