Rebalance Courier Rewards After the May 27th Update
Someone's probably already made a thread like this so delete me if they have but, it's what it sounds like. It now takes about an hour to get a reward that almost certainly will be 100% worthless. At least Nicholas' gifts don't take long to farm and come five at a time. The Bounties are alright at the moment and that is why I don't suggest changing the prices of the gifts and medals (as if anyone was buying those anyway). Only characters who have completed EotN or Proph can even access this and that utterly ridiculous scavenger hunt (hard apple cider? Seriously? I'll be surprised if this war isn't over before more of those drop) is necessary to actually claim the rewards or access the bounties so, yea.
Me, I think 5 War Supplies for NM and 10 for HM would be reasonable. You can even lose the gold. No one cares. As it is, Royal Gifts sell for 8k in Lion's Arch and I want you to consider the rewards that almost certainly await the buyers. Is that fair? No, so if everyone on earth will just sign this... Now
Me, I think 5 War Supplies for NM and 10 for HM would be reasonable. You can even lose the gold. No one cares. As it is, Royal Gifts sell for 8k in Lion's Arch and I want you to consider the rewards that almost certainly await the buyers. Is that fair? No, so if everyone on earth will just sign this... Now
Only characters who have completed EotN or Proph can even access this and that utterly ridiculous scavenger hunt (hard apple cider? Seriously? I'll be surprised if this war isn't over before more of those drop) is necessary to actually claim the rewards or access the bounties so, yea.
as for the rest of it...what are you trying to say O.o wtf are you talking about?
they be fine as they is...I mean really...these were made to be fun little things to divert your time...not to be huge money makers...
/not signed
I'm sure the new rewards were put there for a reason, as well ohh say like stopping peeps from using a ridiculously easy run to make a crockpot ton of cash. If you want better rewards, do it in hm. It is possible.
ps sent from my phone so if there are any typos I'm sorry
I'm sure the new rewards were put there for a reason, as well ohh say like stopping peeps from using a ridiculously easy run to make a crockpot ton of cash. If you want better rewards, do it in hm. It is possible.
ps sent from my phone so if there are any typos I'm sorry
Day Trooper
10 supplies in HM sounds more like it. As it is now, 6 just seems
'underwhelming'; and this is reflected in the severe drop-off in courier runs lately.
10 supplies seems like a good number given the increased difficulty of the run in HM - and the added fragility of the courier.
10 supplies in HM sounds more like it. As it is now, 6 just seems
'underwhelming'; and this is reflected in the severe drop-off in courier runs lately.
10 supplies seems like a good number given the increased difficulty of the run in HM - and the added fragility of the courier.
It would be nice if A net continued giving out 3 wanted bounties for the WiK Daily quests.
They introduced this in the May 27th update, yet it did not continue afterward. What gives?
Courier Falken in NM was an absurd farm pre May 27th, though bringing in Mursaat with Spectral Agony vs. an un-infused courier is also absurd. If they are going to update the courier rewards, it would be ludicrous to not look into the:
A) jade using Spectral agony / granting infusion to H/H +/- Falken and
B) not actually updating the WiK boss bounty rewards or number of quests available per day.
They introduced this in the May 27th update, yet it did not continue afterward. What gives?
Courier Falken in NM was an absurd farm pre May 27th, though bringing in Mursaat with Spectral Agony vs. an un-infused courier is also absurd. If they are going to update the courier rewards, it would be ludicrous to not look into the:
A) jade using Spectral agony / granting infusion to H/H +/- Falken and
B) not actually updating the WiK boss bounty rewards or number of quests available per day.
Dark Paladin X
I think it would be even more reasonable if they reduced the cost to buy a Royal Gift (15 to 9 or 7). But they should keep the cost to buy a Medal of Honor (maybe they are there for really cool items like Shining Blade weapons or armor).
/somewhat signed because I was thinking of a different approach.
/somewhat signed because I was thinking of a different approach.
Courier is repeatable indefinitely. Unless they limit it to a set number of times per day, leave it as it is. Since you can keep doing it over and over, and it isn't hard to do, the reward should be minor. Look at the repeatable Faction reward quests. Takes longer (on average) than a Courier run, and rewards 400 Faction. Can kill a boss and get 250 Faction with the bonus of 250 for the 25 monsters killed to reach that boss bonus for 500 faction in less time than it takes to do the 400 faction quest.
Leave it as is.
Leave it as is.
The current reward stops people from grinding. Hordes of people doing 6 minute runs for 10 war supplies was just silly. Higher rewards for HM will just mean ppl grind in HM. Isn't everyone against grinding?
They could alter it to be similar to Zaishen Elite rewards. The courier gives 10 war supplies, but it caps at 20 per day. This would control the economy, reduce the grnd and prevent people exploiting it further. Tbh, though, it's fine how it is. How many war supplies do you really need?
The current reward stops people from grinding. Hordes of people doing 6 minute runs for 10 war supplies was just silly. Higher rewards for HM will just mean ppl grind in HM. Isn't everyone against grinding?
They could alter it to be similar to Zaishen Elite rewards. The courier gives 10 war supplies, but it caps at 20 per day. This would control the economy, reduce the grnd and prevent people exploiting it further. Tbh, though, it's fine how it is. How many war supplies do you really need?
12 minutes for 6 supplies is not a bad deal compared to the daily bounties - it's generally better still. Pugs just dropped off because they can't handle hard mode.
Most of the gift's value was the potential of minis. This value only goes down the faster its farmed. Upping the reward really just makes the minis more common, it won't give you farmers much more money in the long run.
Most of the gift's value was the potential of minis. This value only goes down the faster its farmed. Upping the reward really just makes the minis more common, it won't give you farmers much more money in the long run.
Mintha Syl
What MagmaRed and Oleg said.
And, not only it's repeatable, but you should take into account the difference with certain bounties, that reward 4 supplies in hm. The courier reward was reduced to balance this big difference, also.
And, not only it's repeatable, but you should take into account the difference with certain bounties, that reward 4 supplies in hm. The courier reward was reduced to balance this big difference, also.
I dont really care about the courier, since you can do it repeatedly, but I would like to see the bounties be worth 10+5 on a constant basis. 3+1 is just too low for a once a day thing. Or maybe 2 bounties every few days worth 20+10 like the other day would be cool too. As for the quality of the rewards from the gifts...those are just fine. Getting pieces of con-sets is pretty cool, as the minis are not really all that impressive. Now give me a mini Jadoth that is half the size of my character on screen, and i'll grind like no tomorrow, hint hint, lol.
Falken gives INFINITE amount of War Supplies. 3 per run is ballanced.
/not signed
/not signed
Imo they should at least raise it to 5 in NM, 3 is way too low. You need 5 runs to get one gift. Another option is to increase the drop of orders. You need 3 to get just one war supply so it would be ok.
ll Jamie ll
They could alter it to be similar to Zaishen Elite rewards. The courier gives 10 war supplies, but it caps at 20 per day. This would control the economy, reduce the grnd and prevent people exploiting it further.
/signed only for this reason. Bumping the reward to 10 in HM but caps at say 30-40 per day. And if you party with someone whos already reached the cap, then he shouldn't appear.
/not signed.
They didn't want this to be an farm. I'm sure about that. To bad you guys weren't smart enough to farm courier before the nerf. It was pretty obvious it would get nerfed. Next time better.
They didn't want this to be an farm. I'm sure about that. To bad you guys weren't smart enough to farm courier before the nerf. It was pretty obvious it would get nerfed. Next time better.
As it stands right now why bother with Courier Falken, he is a complete waste of time with the current rewards, that said I agree with Oleg, cap him at 20 supplies a day each run being 10 supplies each. If he cannot be capped then an increase is needed IMO. 5 to 8 runs to get one gift is crazy and he is extremely stupid and squishy in HM.
Otherwise he can off to his death in NM or HM. Sorry Shining Blade those messages are NOT going to get through.
Is there anything left but grinding in PVE???
/signed either way...
Otherwise he can off to his death in NM or HM. Sorry Shining Blade those messages are NOT going to get through.
Is there anything left but grinding in PVE???
/signed either way...
Tom Swift
yeah I'll sign even thought I won't do run it any more either way
12 in nm was too much
3/nm and 6/hm is too little - no point to do it at all.
Once again ANet seems to have missed the concept of "balance" and jumped from one extreme to the other
5/10 would keep the run a little too low for farming but make it worth while to do it when he happens to show up in a zone I entered for one reason or another anyway - which is what I suspect they intended this to be, a nice side quest you do now and then.
12 in nm was too much
3/nm and 6/hm is too little - no point to do it at all.
Once again ANet seems to have missed the concept of "balance" and jumped from one extreme to the other
5/10 would keep the run a little too low for farming but make it worth while to do it when he happens to show up in a zone I entered for one reason or another anyway - which is what I suspect they intended this to be, a nice side quest you do now and then.
Something has to give. Either tweak the Courier a bit more, fix the daily quest rewards or drop the trade in ratio of war supplies to medals/gifts.
Falken is fine now. No need to balance. If he would give +5 war supplies per run in NM then again people will start farming the shit out of him.
You just need to understand that no one said you must get 50 royal gifts a day. But if you really want to, you are free to do it(even with 3 war supplies per run, he is still an infinite resource).
Being able to get in less than 10 minutes in nm the same amount of war supplies as from one non repeatable quest in HM is wrong.
Also I'm glad the white mantle minies have such a low droprate, because otherwise we would see ToA full of "<insert random profession here>. LF Black Curtain Speed Clear".
You just need to understand that no one said you must get 50 royal gifts a day. But if you really want to, you are free to do it(even with 3 war supplies per run, he is still an infinite resource).
Being able to get in less than 10 minutes in nm the same amount of war supplies as from one non repeatable quest in HM is wrong.
Also I'm glad the white mantle minies have such a low droprate, because otherwise we would see ToA full of "<insert random profession here>. LF Black Curtain Speed Clear".
Eragon Zarroc
getting 10 in NM was pretty crazy but 10 in HM seems fair enough. the white mantle aren't exactly the pushovers
getting 10 in NM was pretty crazy but 10 in HM seems fair enough. the white mantle aren't exactly the pushovers

/signed with a cap of 20 supplies a day per account... no need for people to further exploit this and already drive down the prices more of the new items.
also /signed for boosting the bounty rewards as stated earlier... i mean come on... 3+1 for hm? thats real weak, thats like giving 15 copper coins for a hm zb... and 15 for kessex peak... eat my ass, they really expect someone to wander out there in hm for 15 supplies? maybe 50...
also /signed for boosting the bounty rewards as stated earlier... i mean come on... 3+1 for hm? thats real weak, thats like giving 15 copper coins for a hm zb... and 15 for kessex peak... eat my ass, they really expect someone to wander out there in hm for 15 supplies? maybe 50...
If I see "Petition to" in a thread title again I'm going to start murdering kittens by the box load.