WTS golds weapons&shields | material | greens | minis | unids | misc.
Eowin Of Rohan
I WTS many items. I'll add b/o as I find them. If you need to know b/o on an item, pm me IG, i'll search the one you need.
Most gold arn't modded. Otherwise specified, they are inscribable.
My IG : Eowin Of Rohan
War in Kryta weapons
I have enough medals to craft 7 weapons. You choose which weapon you WTB.
50k each.
Gold Shields
- Ancien Shield : q9 command, +44hp, -5/20 ▲ b/o 20k
- Iridescent Aegis : q9 Command, +27hp, -3 while hexed ▲ b/o 5k
- Iridescent Aegis : q9 Command, +30hp, -2 while in a stance ▲ b/o 8k
- Iridescent Aegis : q9 Command, +29hp, -2 while in a stance ▲ b/o 7k
- Diamond Aegis : q9 Command, reduced bleeding duration 20% ▲ b/o 10k
- Embossed Aegs : q9 Strength, +43p while enchanted, reduced crippled duration 20%
- Guardian of the Hunt : q13 Tactics, -5/20, +30hp ▲ b/o 12k
- Zodiac Shield : q13 Command, +30hp, reduced dideases duration 20% ▲ b/o 25k
- Exalted Aegis : q9 Command, +30hp, armor+10 vs lightning ▲ b/o 20k
- Exalted Aegis : q12 Strength, reduces blind duration 20% ▲ b/o 10k
Gold Swords
- Icy Dragon Sword : q9, cold, unmodded, Nicho ▲ b/o 25k
- Vertebreaker : q12, dmg+15/armor-10 while attacking, vampiric, armor+7 vs elemental/hp regen -1. Uninscribable ▲ b/o 5k
- Nichola's Ascalon Razor unmodded ▲ 3k
Gold Bows
- Zodiac Longbow : q11, dmg+15 while enchanted, bleeding +33%, dmg+19% vs demons, uninscribable ▲ b/o 20k
Gold Staves
- Zodiac Staff : q11 water, energy+5, armor+7 vs elemental, halves casting time 9%, uninscribable
- Zodiac Staff : q12 spawing power, +30hp, reduces deep wound duration 20%, uninscribable
- Ghostly Staff : q13 illusion, reduced crippled duraction 20%, energy +5, +30hp, uninscribable
- Ghostly Staff : q10 fire, armor+5, halved casting time of domination magic spells 19%, uninscribable
- Ghostly Staff : q9 air, halves casting time of blood magic spells 19%, energy+5, uninscribable
- Astral Staff : q12 spawing, armor+5, halved casting time 9%
- Suntouched Staff : q11 energy storage, halved casting time 10%, energy+5 while enchanted
- Fire Staff : q10 fire, halves casting time of fire magic spells 19%, fire+1 19%, energy+7 while hexed
- Cobalt Staff : q13 soul reaping, armor+5, +44hp while enchanted, dmg+15% while in a stance
- Chrysocola Staff : q12 soul reaping, enchantments last 19% longer, energy+7 while hexed
- Cobalt Staff : q13 divine favor, armor+5, dmg+19%v50
- Insectoid Staff : q11 energy storage, water magic +1/20%, 14^50
- Turquoise Staff : q12 spawing power, halves casting time of spawing power spells 20%, armor+5, 14^50
Other Golds
- Prolonged Fan : q11 spawing, +43hp, halves skill recharge of spawing power spells 19%
- Zodiac Scepter : q10 smiting prayers, halves casting time 10%, uninscribable
- Chaos Axe : q9, dmg+15% while in a stance, +30hp, zealous, uninscribable
- Dragoncrest Axe : q9, +30hp, +19%v50, deep wound +33%, uninscribable
- Celestial Hammer : q11, deep wound +33%, halves casting time 10%, dmg +20% vs undead, uninscribable
- Dragon Kamas : q12, dmg+20%v50, enchantments +19%, uninscribable
- Dragon Kamas : q13, dmg+15% while enchanted, armor+7 vs physical, uninscribable
- Serpent Axe : q12, +33% bleeding, armor+7 vs physical, dmg+14% energy-5
Price is the mean from npc : 25*[(npc buy price for 10)+(npc sell price for 10)]/2.
For example, if npc buys material X at 100 and sells it at 200, stack price is 25*(100+200)/2 = 3.750k
- 1 scales stack
- 1 Chittin Fragments stack
- Stygian Scepter 500g
- Oola's Staff 15k
- Kunvie's Air Staff 12k
- Hukhrah Staff 1k
- Gwen's Flute
- Mallyx's Edge 5k
- Eldritch Sword 8k
- Inspired Ghostly Staff 5k
- Mallyx's Supremacy 7k
- Rose Focus (2) 4k each
- Kerrsh's Staff 9k
- Reaper's Blade
- Exalted Aegis (str) 5k
- Mallyx's Cruelty 4k
- Mallyx's Defense 5k
- 19 full Koris maps : 1k each
- Dagger Handle of Dagger Mastery +1/20% 200g
- 21 Honeycombs 500g each
- 2 Kournan Coin 100g each
- 6 Monastery Credits 600g
- Imperial Commendation 100g
- 12 Battle Commendations 1.2k
Undedicated minipets
- Miniature Fungal Wallow 1k
- Miniature Wind Rider 1k
Dedicated minipets
- Miniature Nornbear 3k
- Miniature Flowstone Elemental 5k
- Miniature Burning Titan 500g
- Miniature Aaxte 500g
- Miniature Fungal Wallow 500g
- Miniature Hydra 500g
- Miniature Thorn Wolf 500g
- Miniature Irukandji 500g
- Miniature Whiptail Devourer 500g
- Miniature Hydra 500g
- Miniature Thorn Wolf 500g
- Miniature Cloudtouched Simian 500g
- Miniature Quetzal Sly 1k
- Miniature Fire Imp 500g
- Miniature Wind Rider 500g
- Miniature Jungle Troll 500g
- Miniature Jade Armor 500g
- Miniature Fungal Wallow 500g
- Miniature Temple Guardian 500g
- Miniature Forest Minotaur 500g
Unidentified Golds
Currently have approx. 48 unids, 7=5k.
I WTS many items. I'll add b/o as I find them. If you need to know b/o on an item, pm me IG, i'll search the one you need.
Most gold arn't modded. Otherwise specified, they are inscribable.
My IG : Eowin Of Rohan
War in Kryta weapons
I have enough medals to craft 7 weapons. You choose which weapon you WTB.
50k each.
Gold Shields
- Ancien Shield : q9 command, +44hp, -5/20 ▲ b/o 20k
- Iridescent Aegis : q9 Command, +27hp, -3 while hexed ▲ b/o 5k
- Iridescent Aegis : q9 Command, +30hp, -2 while in a stance ▲ b/o 8k
- Iridescent Aegis : q9 Command, +29hp, -2 while in a stance ▲ b/o 7k
- Diamond Aegis : q9 Command, reduced bleeding duration 20% ▲ b/o 10k
- Embossed Aegs : q9 Strength, +43p while enchanted, reduced crippled duration 20%
- Guardian of the Hunt : q13 Tactics, -5/20, +30hp ▲ b/o 12k
- Zodiac Shield : q13 Command, +30hp, reduced dideases duration 20% ▲ b/o 25k
- Exalted Aegis : q9 Command, +30hp, armor+10 vs lightning ▲ b/o 20k
- Exalted Aegis : q12 Strength, reduces blind duration 20% ▲ b/o 10k
Gold Swords
- Icy Dragon Sword : q9, cold, unmodded, Nicho ▲ b/o 25k
- Vertebreaker : q12, dmg+15/armor-10 while attacking, vampiric, armor+7 vs elemental/hp regen -1. Uninscribable ▲ b/o 5k
- Nichola's Ascalon Razor unmodded ▲ 3k
Gold Bows
- Zodiac Longbow : q11, dmg+15 while enchanted, bleeding +33%, dmg+19% vs demons, uninscribable ▲ b/o 20k
Gold Staves
- Zodiac Staff : q11 water, energy+5, armor+7 vs elemental, halves casting time 9%, uninscribable
- Zodiac Staff : q12 spawing power, +30hp, reduces deep wound duration 20%, uninscribable
- Ghostly Staff : q13 illusion, reduced crippled duraction 20%, energy +5, +30hp, uninscribable
- Ghostly Staff : q10 fire, armor+5, halved casting time of domination magic spells 19%, uninscribable
- Ghostly Staff : q9 air, halves casting time of blood magic spells 19%, energy+5, uninscribable
- Astral Staff : q12 spawing, armor+5, halved casting time 9%
- Suntouched Staff : q11 energy storage, halved casting time 10%, energy+5 while enchanted
- Fire Staff : q10 fire, halves casting time of fire magic spells 19%, fire+1 19%, energy+7 while hexed
- Cobalt Staff : q13 soul reaping, armor+5, +44hp while enchanted, dmg+15% while in a stance
- Chrysocola Staff : q12 soul reaping, enchantments last 19% longer, energy+7 while hexed
- Cobalt Staff : q13 divine favor, armor+5, dmg+19%v50
- Insectoid Staff : q11 energy storage, water magic +1/20%, 14^50
- Turquoise Staff : q12 spawing power, halves casting time of spawing power spells 20%, armor+5, 14^50
Other Golds
- Prolonged Fan : q11 spawing, +43hp, halves skill recharge of spawing power spells 19%
- Zodiac Scepter : q10 smiting prayers, halves casting time 10%, uninscribable
- Chaos Axe : q9, dmg+15% while in a stance, +30hp, zealous, uninscribable
- Dragoncrest Axe : q9, +30hp, +19%v50, deep wound +33%, uninscribable
- Celestial Hammer : q11, deep wound +33%, halves casting time 10%, dmg +20% vs undead, uninscribable
- Dragon Kamas : q12, dmg+20%v50, enchantments +19%, uninscribable
- Dragon Kamas : q13, dmg+15% while enchanted, armor+7 vs physical, uninscribable
- Serpent Axe : q12, +33% bleeding, armor+7 vs physical, dmg+14% energy-5
Price is the mean from npc : 25*[(npc buy price for 10)+(npc sell price for 10)]/2.
For example, if npc buys material X at 100 and sells it at 200, stack price is 25*(100+200)/2 = 3.750k
- 1 scales stack
- 1 Chittin Fragments stack
- Stygian Scepter 500g
- Oola's Staff 15k
- Kunvie's Air Staff 12k
- Hukhrah Staff 1k
- Gwen's Flute
- Mallyx's Edge 5k
- Eldritch Sword 8k
- Inspired Ghostly Staff 5k
- Mallyx's Supremacy 7k
- Rose Focus (2) 4k each
- Kerrsh's Staff 9k
- Reaper's Blade
- Exalted Aegis (str) 5k
- Mallyx's Cruelty 4k
- Mallyx's Defense 5k
- 19 full Koris maps : 1k each
- Dagger Handle of Dagger Mastery +1/20% 200g
- 21 Honeycombs 500g each
- 2 Kournan Coin 100g each
- 6 Monastery Credits 600g
- Imperial Commendation 100g
- 12 Battle Commendations 1.2k
Undedicated minipets
- Miniature Fungal Wallow 1k
- Miniature Wind Rider 1k
Dedicated minipets
- Miniature Nornbear 3k
- Miniature Flowstone Elemental 5k
- Miniature Burning Titan 500g
- Miniature Aaxte 500g
- Miniature Fungal Wallow 500g
- Miniature Hydra 500g
- Miniature Thorn Wolf 500g
- Miniature Irukandji 500g
- Miniature Whiptail Devourer 500g
- Miniature Hydra 500g
- Miniature Thorn Wolf 500g
- Miniature Cloudtouched Simian 500g
- Miniature Quetzal Sly 1k
- Miniature Fire Imp 500g
- Miniature Wind Rider 500g
- Miniature Jungle Troll 500g
- Miniature Jade Armor 500g
- Miniature Fungal Wallow 500g
- Miniature Temple Guardian 500g
- Miniature Forest Minotaur 500g
Unidentified Golds
Currently have approx. 48 unids, 7=5k.
Thanks for the fast trade n__n
Lady Dragonair
I would like Flannuss' Rod I will pay 5k if that is suitable
Thank you for the trade
Thank you for the trade
Dervish Kid
VDS(vamp drag sword)-15k
ign: i monk in nikes
edit:thx, fast transaction and a pleasure doing business.
ign: i monk in nikes
edit:thx, fast transaction and a pleasure doing business.
all glittering piles > ign. steel of shouts
VAge Japie
- Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh 6k
IGN: Waar Kijk Je Naar
IGN: Waar Kijk Je Naar
i'll take the feathers
ign: megami na majutsu
ign: megami na majutsu
I take all 250 unids if they're max (Max dmg, energy or armor)
Astral Staff : q12 spawing, armor+5, halved casting time 9% - 3k on it.
I'll also take the plant fiber and dust stack.
ign - nilator the healer
I'll also take the plant fiber and dust stack.
ign - nilator the healer
Is the Zodiac Longbow inscribable or is the +15% while Enchanted inherent?
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Eowin Of Rohan
The zodiac longbow isn't inscribable, the 15 while enchanted is inherent.
The zodiac longbow isn't inscribable, the 15 while enchanted is inherent.
- Tetsubo Hammer : q10, weakness +33%, armor+7 vs physical, dmg+15% while in a stance
20k for this
ign: expert mode
20k for this
ign: expert mode
Wicked Sweet
Ill take the cheaper iridescent aegis.
I'll buy mallyx's making
IGN: Vital Sight
IGN: Vital Sight
- Icy Dragon Sword : q9, cold, unmodded, Nicho ▲ b/o 25k
Yuuki Hana Minako
Yuuki Hana Minako
Elisabet Ramsey
Guardian of the Hunt : q9 tactics
<--- ign
<--- ign
Eowin Of Rohan
Added 3 items.
Added 3 items.
Stygian Defender 4k
ill take one of these
IGN Kingg Ghost
ill take one of these
IGN Kingg Ghost
Eowin Of Rohan
Added Evennia & Salma
Added Evennia & Salma
- Zodiac Scepter : q10 smiting prayers, halves casting time 10%, uninscribable s/b
- Chaos Axe : q9, dmg+15% while in a stance, +30hp, zealous, uninscribable s/b
Unidentified Golds
Currently have approx. 13 unids, 7=5k.
IGN: Apollo I V
- Chaos Axe : q9, dmg+15% while in a stance, +30hp, zealous, uninscribable s/b
Unidentified Golds
Currently have approx. 13 unids, 7=5k.
IGN: Apollo I V
Eowin Of Rohan
New items added
New items added
Eowin Of Rohan
B u m p
How much for the req 13 dragon kamas, 15 while enchanted
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Death By An Arrow
ill take both granite slab stacks
IGN Death By An Arrow
we may need to arrange a time for this weekend. is that alright?
IGN Death By An Arrow
we may need to arrange a time for this weekend. is that alright?
Mallyx's Divinity (2) 1k each
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Eowin Of Rohan
q13 dragon kamas : 10k
granite stacks: sold IG, forgot to remove them from here, sorry. Still got 100 granite if you want.
granite stacks: sold IG, forgot to remove them from here, sorry. Still got 100 granite if you want.
mist of the dagger
3k on chrysocola staff
2k on serpent axe
IGN:Mist of the Dagger
2k on serpent axe
IGN:Mist of the Dagger
Eowin Of Rohan
Eowin Of Rohan
Eowin Of Rohan
joobelix moo
Str exalted aegis?
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Miniature Nornbear 3k
Miniature Flowstone Elemental 5k
IGN guardian exin
Miniature Flowstone Elemental 5k
IGN guardian exin
Eowin Of Rohan
m m m
Eowin Of Rohan
Eowin Of Rohan
New item : draconic aegis. Thread is mixed until aegis is sold.
New item : draconic aegis. Thread is mixed until aegis is sold.
- Mallyx's Edge 5k
- Mallyx's Cruelty 4k
IGN Genmi Thora
- Mallyx's Cruelty 4k
IGN Genmi Thora
retract thankyou
Eowin Of Rohan
bump : : : : :
Eowin Of Rohan
BUMP - War in Kryta items awailable (commemorative or oppresor)