Eir Of Asgards Gw-Shop

Eir Of Asgard

Eir Of Asgard

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


アoo アugs アlan [ァアァ]

Hello, its been a long time since i offered items on Guru or anywhere else...
Well, here is what i have to sell actually.

I will sell the items if the B/O is reached, or if i feel that the current offer is fair and acceptable for me.

It is higly recommended to check back, because i will add some additional and interesting items soon.

Summit Warlord Shield req8 Tactics:

Wailing Staff req9 20/20 Death Magic [rare]:
S/B: 100k
B/O: 100k+30e

Amber Staff req9 Divine 20/20 Smiting Prayers:
S/B: 60k
B/O: 100k

Good Luck!

Eir Of Asgard


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2008

Let Me Write It Down In My Care [Book]


B/O on the Summit Warlord Shield

IGN Sjembeck Rudi