Hello, Welcome to my Cheap Mini Market!!!
The price you see is the B/O price, so you can buy the object for the price i write.
When i sell the items i delete them from the list, so i will update this post, return for see the news!!!!!
My IGN is Devil Luca
If you don't find me in game, send a pm to me on Guru!
Happy Shopping!!!
Devil Luca Mini Market
Devil Luca

Minipet: DedicatedFire Imp (1k) Irukandji (2k) Celestial Tiger (7k) Cave Spider (3k) Flowstone Elemental (5k) Shiro (4k) Griffon (3k) Dryder (3k) Norn Bear(x2) (4k) Minotaur (3k) Nian (8k) Thorn Wolf (2k) Mandragor (2k) Koss (3k) Joko (3k) Elf (3k) Heket (3k) Word of Madness (3k) Burning Titan (3k) Abomination (3k) Pig (5k)
UndedicatedMandragor (x2) (4k) Jade Warrior (3k)
Devil Luca
ben ken sven
100 goldens eggs, 100g ea
IGN ben ken sven
IGN ben ken sven
Devil Luca
Bump !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Devil Luca
Traveler Bo Staff 8k
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Devil Luca
bump added minipets
B/O flowstone
Lord Dagon
found some for same prices ig
found some for same prices ig