Thunder79's Minipet Clearance
So after 5 years of the game I'm looking to get rid of the pile of minis that has stacked up over the years between my 3 accounts.
Accepting Gold/Plat or Ectos. State what you want, your offer, and IGN.
All Sales are buyout only, ie this is not an auction...offer what I think is a fair price and you'll get the item.
I have no interest in running an auction for these items, none of them are particularly valuable (relative to other minis out there) I'm just looking to get rid of them as fast as I can for a fair price.
How this will proceed:
When someone offers a fair price for a mini I will mark that item as a "sale pending". At that point it is still available for sale until I can conduct the transaction. I will make my best efforts to contact you in game to complete transactions, but it is up to you to get in contact with me ASAP to make sure you don't lose the mini to another buyer offering more. In the event that another buyer does offer more (and I see it, obviously), I will contact them instead to complete the transaction and note it here. After a transaction is done I will mark the mini with the name of the buyer and amount, as well as subtract the mini from the amount available. From then on you are free to offer that amount knowing that I will accept it.
My IGN's are Idunna Rae (primary account) and Xavier Aewerei (secondary account, where I have them stored). When I'm playing on my primary account I don't usually pay attention to my chat window, and will likely miss a message. Your best bet to contact me is sending a message to my secondary account as I keep them online while I'm playing to receive messages.
All minis are undedicated.
Quantity Available is listed next to the Mini's Description
Year 3:
0 Abyssal (1xSupa Rat(5k), 1xGreen Lolly(4k), 1xTaffy Tois(4k))
2 Roaring Ether (1xTaffy Tois(3k))(1x Danny Assassin(3k))(1xAycee The Traveler(3k))
2 Raptor (1xTaffy Tois(3k))(1 sale pending)
0 Irkandji (1xSupa Rat(3k))(1xDarth Sithi(3k))
0 Mursaat (1xFaith_Hope_Lost(4k))
Year 2:
0 Lich Lord (1xFaith_Hope_Lost(25k), 1xDarth Sithi(25k))
0 Koss (1xDarth Sithi(5k))
0 Elf (1xAycee The Traveler(3k))
1 Aatxe
2 Fire Imp
2 Harpy Ranger
6 Heket Warrior
1 Thorn Wolf
1 Wind Rider
2 Juggernaut
Year 1:
1 Burning Titan
1 Kirin
3 Charr Shaman
1 Necrid Horseman
1 Jungle Troll
1 Hydra
4 Jade Armor
3 Fungal Wallow
3 Whiptail Devourer
Updated Notes:
6-22-2010 - Got an additional Raptor from a new Birthday present (listing updated). Have some other minis locked in pre-searing with the character I've been working on defender of ascalon. Will probably bring a mule through to gather those up.
Accepting Gold/Plat or Ectos. State what you want, your offer, and IGN.
All Sales are buyout only, ie this is not an auction...offer what I think is a fair price and you'll get the item.
I have no interest in running an auction for these items, none of them are particularly valuable (relative to other minis out there) I'm just looking to get rid of them as fast as I can for a fair price.
How this will proceed:
When someone offers a fair price for a mini I will mark that item as a "sale pending". At that point it is still available for sale until I can conduct the transaction. I will make my best efforts to contact you in game to complete transactions, but it is up to you to get in contact with me ASAP to make sure you don't lose the mini to another buyer offering more. In the event that another buyer does offer more (and I see it, obviously), I will contact them instead to complete the transaction and note it here. After a transaction is done I will mark the mini with the name of the buyer and amount, as well as subtract the mini from the amount available. From then on you are free to offer that amount knowing that I will accept it.
My IGN's are Idunna Rae (primary account) and Xavier Aewerei (secondary account, where I have them stored). When I'm playing on my primary account I don't usually pay attention to my chat window, and will likely miss a message. Your best bet to contact me is sending a message to my secondary account as I keep them online while I'm playing to receive messages.
All minis are undedicated.
Quantity Available is listed next to the Mini's Description
Year 3:
0 Abyssal (1xSupa Rat(5k), 1xGreen Lolly(4k), 1xTaffy Tois(4k))
2 Roaring Ether (1xTaffy Tois(3k))(1x Danny Assassin(3k))(1xAycee The Traveler(3k))
2 Raptor (1xTaffy Tois(3k))(1 sale pending)
0 Irkandji (1xSupa Rat(3k))(1xDarth Sithi(3k))
0 Mursaat (1xFaith_Hope_Lost(4k))
Year 2:
0 Lich Lord (1xFaith_Hope_Lost(25k), 1xDarth Sithi(25k))
0 Koss (1xDarth Sithi(5k))
0 Elf (1xAycee The Traveler(3k))
1 Aatxe
2 Fire Imp
2 Harpy Ranger
6 Heket Warrior
1 Thorn Wolf
1 Wind Rider
2 Juggernaut
Year 1:
1 Burning Titan
1 Kirin
3 Charr Shaman
1 Necrid Horseman
1 Jungle Troll
1 Hydra
4 Jade Armor
3 Fungal Wallow
3 Whiptail Devourer
Updated Notes:
6-22-2010 - Got an additional Raptor from a new Birthday present (listing updated). Have some other minis locked in pre-searing with the character I've been working on defender of ascalon. Will probably bring a mule through to gather those up.
Devil Luca
Retract bought in game for 10k...
IGN: Devil Luca
IGN: Devil Luca
Irkandji - 3k
IGN - Supa Rat
IGN - Supa Rat
Abyssal - 5k
IGN - Supa Rat
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: Non-bid: Consecutive Posts Do not post a new reply when you already have the most recent post on the thread. If you want to make offers on additional items or increase your bid, click
on your existing post and change/add as necessary. If it has been some time since your last post, you might also send the seller a private message to let them know you've made changes.
Each reply posted to a thread bumps it to the top of the forum list. Do not make consecutive posts to bid on items in the same thread.
If other users have posted to outbid you, you must make a new post if you want to bid higher. If you are outbid in a new post, you may not go back to your first post and edit to raise your offer, aka "stealth bidding."
If other users have replied since your last post, it is acceptable to post again for new items. Do not abuse this to help a seller keep his/her thread bumped.
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
IGN - Supa Rat
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: Non-bid: Consecutive Posts Do not post a new reply when you already have the most recent post on the thread. If you want to make offers on additional items or increase your bid, click

If other users have posted to outbid you, you must make a new post if you want to bid higher. If you are outbid in a new post, you may not go back to your first post and edit to raise your offer, aka "stealth bidding."
If other users have replied since your last post, it is acceptable to post again for new items. Do not abuse this to help a seller keep his/her thread bumped.
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
I gauge mini values based on the minipet pricing guide in the PC section here on Guru. Not just the out-of-date list though, but also recent transactions that still get posted daily.
I gauge mini values based on the minipet pricing guide in the PC section here on Guru. Not just the out-of-date list though, but also recent transactions that still get posted daily.
i'd like the roaring eter and the abyssal please
ign danny assasin
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post. Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email. Any post that does not contain a clear and legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post. (This includes posts requesting the seller to contact you in game or by PM to negotiate unspecified buyouts - You can PM such requests to the buyer instead. Private offers do not require public posts.) In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages.
ign danny assasin
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post. Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email. Any post that does not contain a clear and legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post. (This includes posts requesting the seller to contact you in game or by PM to negotiate unspecified buyouts - You can PM such requests to the buyer instead. Private offers do not require public posts.)
Lich Lord 20k
Abysal 4k
Mursaat 4k
IGN Green Lolly
Abysal 4k
Mursaat 4k
IGN Green Lolly
Irkandji - 5k
Lich Lord - 30k
Koss - 5k
IGN: Darth Sithi
Lich Lord - 30k
Koss - 5k
IGN: Darth Sithi
Originally Posted by DarthCz

Lich Lord - 30k
Koss - 5k
IGN: Darth Sithi
Danny21...I haven't seen you online so I haven't been able to complete the transaction. Please let me know when you might be in game (by pm). If it's during the day US time chances are I won't be able to make it.
Item list updated and more emphasis has been added that this is not an auction. I have no interest in running an auction for these items, none of them are particularly valuable (relative to other minis out there) I'm just looking to get rid of them as fast as I can for a fair price.
Im after an Abyssal, Raptor and Roaring Ether please
Can't work out if you are asking for bids or not if so then I offer 10k for those 3. (4k, 3k, 3k)
*edit* Oops IGN : Taffy Tois
Can't work out if you are asking for bids or not if so then I offer 10k for those 3. (4k, 3k, 3k)
*edit* Oops IGN : Taffy Tois
Transactions completed with Tois.
Item List Updated.
Mods: Morgoroth's was a bid as the raptor is available.
Not sure how my posts here have been unclear on what is and is not available. To reiterate:
If there is a number other than 0 listed next to a least one is available.
When a sale is completed I subtract that mini from the number available.
When a sale is in progress, ie an acceptable bid has been made, I DO NOT subtract from the number available, and I DO mark that mini as having a sale pending. This does not mean the mini is not available, it just means it has been successfully bid upon and a transaction (completing the sale) should be done sometime in the future. If you really want it just bid the same or more and get to me sooner to pay me.
Time is more important than money really...I'm just trying to get rid of these. If two people bid, but one is higher, it doesn't matter so long as the lower one gets to me first. If they contact me at the same time, the higher bid gets it.
Transactions completed with Tois.
Item List Updated.
Mods: Morgoroth's was a bid as the raptor is available.
Not sure how my posts here have been unclear on what is and is not available. To reiterate:
If there is a number other than 0 listed next to a least one is available.
When a sale is completed I subtract that mini from the number available.
When a sale is in progress, ie an acceptable bid has been made, I DO NOT subtract from the number available, and I DO mark that mini as having a sale pending. This does not mean the mini is not available, it just means it has been successfully bid upon and a transaction (completing the sale) should be done sometime in the future. If you really want it just bid the same or more and get to me sooner to pay me.
Time is more important than money really...I'm just trying to get rid of these. If two people bid, but one is higher, it doesn't matter so long as the lower one gets to me first. If they contact me at the same time, the higher bid gets it.
Following set example, I'd take the Raptor at 3k a killing machine (if the raptor listed is the one already sold, sorry for technically a non-bid post).
IGN Greta Carbon
IGN Greta Carbon
roaring ether-3k
Aycee the Traveler
Aycee the Traveler
Raptor 3k
IGN: Blekitny Gniew or I I Am Sorrow I
IGN: Blekitny Gniew or I I Am Sorrow I
Azur3...haven't seen you online (btw...both those names belong to the same account, you only have to list one)
I will be on today sometime after 1pm central time during my lunch break for maybe 15-20 minutes.
Azur3...haven't seen you online (btw...both those names belong to the same account, you only have to list one)
I will be on today sometime after 1pm central time during my lunch break for maybe 15-20 minutes.
Haven't been on a lot lately, but I have been checking the thread for new replies. azur3...still haven't seen you on. Are you still interested? If so when is the best time to meet you?
Haven't been on a lot lately, but I have been checking the thread for new replies. azur3...still haven't seen you on. Are you still interested? If so when is the best time to meet you?