Closed due to a Ventari's forum violation
EDITED by Oath
Your WTS Thread has been closed. The item you are trying to sell does not exist. The Sell Forum is for selling items that are confirmed to exist. Refusing to accept this fact could result in a ban.
Your WTS Thread has been closed. The item you are trying to sell does not exist. The Sell Forum is for selling items that are confirmed to exist. Refusing to accept this fact could result in a ban.
Kihm the great
s/b..nice sword ;P
kihm the great
kihm the great
Troll Alert!
10e + 1g
10e + 1g
Kihm the great
10e+bolt stack
kihm the great
kihm the great
Perma Shadow Form
Perma Shadow Form
Kihm the great
kihm the great
kihm the great
Red Fireball
75e for me pls IGN Red Fireball rusher
sry, seems we posted almost at the same time 111e then pls
sry, seems we posted almost at the same time 111e then pls
150 Ectos "Loathing of noobs" ign
Kihm the great
kihm the great
kihm the great
1750e ...........
1500ectos + 40 arms
Ahk was the only one with a r8 15^50 crys and he stopped playing years ago. If this is real this is the single rarest sword in the game. I'd like to see this in game to verify it's integrity.
Essential Gawd
Ahk was the only one with a r8 15^50 crys and he stopped playing years ago. If this is real this is the single rarest sword in the game. I'd like to see this in game to verify it's integrity.
Essential Gawd
Noobgamer Deluxe
retract due to the fact that it´s a fake one.
withdrawn til further notice
ange misericordieux
150arms if not fake....
ING:Ange Misericordieux.
But it's a big big big big fake....
close this thread Mods...
150arms if not fake....
ING:Ange Misericordieux.
But it's a big big big big fake....
close this thread Mods...