Here's an issue everyone encountered in GW : you are chatting in green or orange chanel, you go through a portal, and you miss several messages (or worse : you arn't chatting, and a guy decides to talk to you in green/orange chan while you are charging the map).
It would be very cool to continue getting the green/orange messages while charging maps. Exactly the way it works with pm.
Continue getting guild/alliance news while charging map
Eowin Of Rohan
Eragon Zarroc
huh? you might miss a couple things, maybe more if you are laggy with slow load times. if you are in the middle of an important convo, then don't zone. just ask what was said if u miss something. no big deal.
Sola Stormbourne
I'm going to go out on a limb and say I like this idea. I don't zone in the middle of a conversation, but the bad moments are when someone randomly asks for help in guild chat and you look like you are ignoring them by not even replying at all, when really you were just zoning. Murphy's law, it happens.
With a lot of people zoning to farming the courier or zoning for chest runs/farming nick items/whatever, this would be nice so people don't miss requests for help in guild/alliance chat.
With a lot of people zoning to farming the courier or zoning for chest runs/farming nick items/whatever, this would be nice so people don't miss requests for help in guild/alliance chat.
double agree. its my biggest peeve about the chat system.