Playing for a few weeks now I reached ER - LV20. Mobs are numerous and even LV22 and LV24. But they can be slayed. So I end up all the way up North with some guys calling themselves Eban Venguard and I see LV28 opponents. And sure, I get my ass kicked...
So what's supposed to be next... After LV20..? What do I need to do first to get strong enough to tackle those High LV beasties up North?
LV20... then what...?
Eh, if you really feel that you cannot handle an area, go purchase/craft a consumable for extra hp, extra allies, extra armor, improved ias, etc etc etc.
Oh right, inb4 l2p.
Oh right, inb4 l2p.
Marty Silverblade
Get better skills. Get better at the game. Get good builds for your heroes. Learn some tactics.
Thats about it. If you haven't beaten any of the campaigns, I advise you do that before jumping into EotN. It's meant to be end-game stuff.
Don't do this. Consumables make you bad and lazy. Get better at the game rather than rely on some stupid +health + energy +invincibility mode crap to get you through.
Thats about it. If you haven't beaten any of the campaigns, I advise you do that before jumping into EotN. It's meant to be end-game stuff.
Originally Posted by awry
Eh, if you really feel that you cannot handle an area, go purchase/craft a consumable for extra hp, extra allies, extra armor, improved ias, etc etc etc.
This may help sum make sure your armour is max ar level and is runed up and insignias.
make sure you have your heros if you have and fill the gaps with henchmen to give you the added attacking power.
and theres another thing your build depending on what you are using
check this site out for helpful
and guild wars wiki for helpful hints on the monsters.
sorry for this been long and winded.
make sure you have your heros if you have and fill the gaps with henchmen to give you the added attacking power.
and theres another thing your build depending on what you are using
check this site out for helpful
and guild wars wiki for helpful hints on the monsters.
sorry for this been long and winded.
So basically I need to wait with EotN anyway and go for maximizing armor, weapons, skills, heroes and tactics...
Thanx, that's all I wanted to confirm... In case I missed something and end up running around endlessly. Cause so far I like the game, but it's a bit chaotic, (storyline-wise). I thought I lost track.
Thanx, that's all I wanted to confirm... In case I missed something and end up running around endlessly. Cause so far I like the game, but it's a bit chaotic, (storyline-wise). I thought I lost track.
if you ever need any help in game you can just pm me my ign is thor gunnar
Get better skills. Get better at the game. Get good builds for your heroes. Learn some tactics.
Thats about it. If you haven't beaten any of the campaigns, I advise you do that before jumping into EotN. It's meant to be end-game stuff. |
It's the skills, man. The skills.
If you've gone from Prophecies to EoTn without finishing Prophecies, then you have skipped quite a bit of the storyline. Here is a link to the Mission track to follow.
You can pick up Storybooks for each campaign and EotN that help fill in the storyline.
You can pick up Storybooks for each campaign and EotN that help fill in the storyline.
Don't do this. Consumables make you bad and lazy. Get better at the game rather than rely on some stupid +health + energy +invincibility mode crap to get you through.
OMG ppl hwo dont rely on cons DO EXIST THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!
god i see it lmae and retarded to use those things (exept for speedclears) ill be dead honest with you i actually like playing with 60dp at times keeps you on your best and you learn how to keep self heals up (not relying on monks)
The only time I use cons was in UW SC. They seriously ruin the game.