Hyoga's storage clearout sale
Hi there, Hyoga here, just cleaning out my storage.
S/B on every thing is 1g.
Weapons: (all max & gold)
Vabbian Scimitar q9 (incr)
Jade Sword q10 (incr)- c/o 2k Elisabet Ramsey
Runic Blade q10 (incr)- c/o 1k Elisabet Ramsey
Gothic Sword q9 (incr)
Wing Blade Sword q9 (incr)
Hawkeye Hammer q9 (incr)
Bludgeoner q9 (incr)
Barrel Hammer q10 (incr)
Platinum Wand q11 Energy Storage (incr) HSR 10%
Platinum Wand q11 Energy Storage (incr) HSR 20% Energy Storage
Platinum Wand q10 Divine Favor (incr)
Guardian Branch q9 Earth (incr)
The Shatterstone q9 Water (Green)- c/o 1k Eagle nutcracker
Celestial Axe q9 (incr)
Dwarven Axe q9 (incr)
Plagueborn Hornbow q9 (nonincr)
Grim Scythe q9 (incr)
Eternal Shield q9 Strength (incr) - c/o 50k derrtyboy69
Celestial Shield q12 Strength (incr)
Embossed Aegis q10 Strength (incr)- c/o 1k Elisabet Ramsey
Embossed Aegis q11 Tactics (incr)
Equine Aegis q9 Tactics (incr)- c/o 900g Elisabet Ramsey
Iridescent Aegis q11 Tactics (incr)
Spiked Targe q11 Tactics (incr)
Gothic Defender q10 Tactics -2dmg/while in stance (nonincr)
Ancient Shield q9 Command (incr)- c/o 5k ZenRgy
Ancient Shield q11 Tactics (incr)
63 Yuletide Tonics- c/o 110g/per point Premium Unleaded
23 Mysterious Tonics- c/o 110g/per point Premium Unleaded
10 Cottontail Tonics- c/o 110g/oer point Premium Unleaded
43 Transmogrifier Tonics- c/o 110g/per point Premium Unleaded
110 Bottles of Grog- c/o 22k knightwind
178 Eggnogs- c/o 50g/ea Cash
154 Spiked Eggnogs- c/o 50g/ea Cash
9 Hunter's Ales- c/o 150g/ea Cash
29 Aged Hunter's Ales- c/o 50g/ea Cash
1 Keg Of Aged Hunter's Ale- c/o 50g/ea Cash
60 Vials of Absinthe- c/o 50g/ea Cash
46 Flasks of Firewater- c/o 50g/ea Cash
55 Witch's Brews- c/o 50g/ea Cash
69 Rainbow Candy Canes- c/o 180g/ea Dervish Kid
141 Wintergreen Candy Canes- 110g/point Imperial Healer
Summoning Stones:
5 Mercantile Summoning Stones
24 Mysterious Summoning Stones
2 Frosty Summoning Stones
2 Mischievous Summoning Stones
15 Celestial Summoning Stones
17 Vials of Orange
7 Vials of Yellow
8 Vials of Green
2 Vials of White- c/o 4k oscalio
2 Vials of Black- SOLD
12 Vials of Brown
16 Vial of Purple
10 Vials of Red
11 Vials of Blue
2 Vials of Silver
Mini pets: (All Un-dedicated)
Charr Shaman
Fire Imp- c/o 500g fishmonkey
3x Siege Turtles
Forest Minotaur- c/o 2k Master Astaldo
Juggernaut- c/o 1k Marty Silverblade
Aatxe- c/o 1k Naer
Wind Rider- c/o 1k Master Astaldo
Jade Armor
Weapon Mods:
Enchanting 20%:
Staff Wrapping - c/o 3k Elisabet Ramsey
Dagger Handle
Sword Pommel
Scythe Grip
Axe Grip
Vampiric 5/-1:
Bow String
Scythe Snathe
"Guided By Fate"
2x"Hale and Hearty"
6 Ritualist Tomes- c/o 700g/ea Fishmonkey
1 Warrior Tome- c/o 300g/ea Gojira
4 Necromancer Tomes- c/o 500g/ea Spyware
3 Monk Tome- c/o 500g/ea Gojira
1 Elementalist Tome- c/o 100g/ea Cash
1 Elite Mesmer Tome- c/o 1g
3 Elite Monk Tomes- c/o 1g
1 Elite Necromancer Tome- c/o 1g
29 Superb Charr carvings- c/o 200g/ea Hymn
71 Destroyer Cores
IGN: Hyoga of Ice
S/B on every thing is 1g.
Weapons: (all max & gold)
Vabbian Scimitar q9 (incr)
Jade Sword q10 (incr)- c/o 2k Elisabet Ramsey
Runic Blade q10 (incr)- c/o 1k Elisabet Ramsey
Gothic Sword q9 (incr)
Wing Blade Sword q9 (incr)
Hawkeye Hammer q9 (incr)
Bludgeoner q9 (incr)
Barrel Hammer q10 (incr)
Platinum Wand q11 Energy Storage (incr) HSR 10%
Platinum Wand q11 Energy Storage (incr) HSR 20% Energy Storage
Platinum Wand q10 Divine Favor (incr)
Guardian Branch q9 Earth (incr)
The Shatterstone q9 Water (Green)- c/o 1k Eagle nutcracker
Celestial Axe q9 (incr)
Dwarven Axe q9 (incr)
Plagueborn Hornbow q9 (nonincr)
Grim Scythe q9 (incr)
Eternal Shield q9 Strength (incr) - c/o 50k derrtyboy69
Celestial Shield q12 Strength (incr)
Embossed Aegis q10 Strength (incr)- c/o 1k Elisabet Ramsey
Embossed Aegis q11 Tactics (incr)
Equine Aegis q9 Tactics (incr)- c/o 900g Elisabet Ramsey
Iridescent Aegis q11 Tactics (incr)
Spiked Targe q11 Tactics (incr)
Gothic Defender q10 Tactics -2dmg/while in stance (nonincr)
Ancient Shield q9 Command (incr)- c/o 5k ZenRgy
Ancient Shield q11 Tactics (incr)
63 Yuletide Tonics- c/o 110g/per point Premium Unleaded
23 Mysterious Tonics- c/o 110g/per point Premium Unleaded
10 Cottontail Tonics- c/o 110g/oer point Premium Unleaded
43 Transmogrifier Tonics- c/o 110g/per point Premium Unleaded
110 Bottles of Grog- c/o 22k knightwind
178 Eggnogs- c/o 50g/ea Cash
154 Spiked Eggnogs- c/o 50g/ea Cash
9 Hunter's Ales- c/o 150g/ea Cash
29 Aged Hunter's Ales- c/o 50g/ea Cash
1 Keg Of Aged Hunter's Ale- c/o 50g/ea Cash
60 Vials of Absinthe- c/o 50g/ea Cash
46 Flasks of Firewater- c/o 50g/ea Cash
55 Witch's Brews- c/o 50g/ea Cash
69 Rainbow Candy Canes- c/o 180g/ea Dervish Kid
141 Wintergreen Candy Canes- 110g/point Imperial Healer
Summoning Stones:
5 Mercantile Summoning Stones
24 Mysterious Summoning Stones
2 Frosty Summoning Stones
2 Mischievous Summoning Stones
15 Celestial Summoning Stones
17 Vials of Orange
7 Vials of Yellow
8 Vials of Green
2 Vials of White- c/o 4k oscalio
2 Vials of Black- SOLD
12 Vials of Brown
16 Vial of Purple
10 Vials of Red
11 Vials of Blue
2 Vials of Silver
Mini pets: (All Un-dedicated)
Charr Shaman
Fire Imp- c/o 500g fishmonkey
3x Siege Turtles
Forest Minotaur- c/o 2k Master Astaldo
Juggernaut- c/o 1k Marty Silverblade
Aatxe- c/o 1k Naer
Wind Rider- c/o 1k Master Astaldo
Jade Armor
Weapon Mods:
Enchanting 20%:
Staff Wrapping - c/o 3k Elisabet Ramsey
Dagger Handle
Sword Pommel
Scythe Grip
Axe Grip
Vampiric 5/-1:
Bow String
Scythe Snathe
"Guided By Fate"
2x"Hale and Hearty"
6 Ritualist Tomes- c/o 700g/ea Fishmonkey
1 Warrior Tome- c/o 300g/ea Gojira
4 Necromancer Tomes- c/o 500g/ea Spyware
3 Monk Tome- c/o 500g/ea Gojira
1 Elementalist Tome- c/o 100g/ea Cash
1 Elite Mesmer Tome- c/o 1g
3 Elite Monk Tomes- c/o 1g
1 Elite Necromancer Tome- c/o 1g
29 Superb Charr carvings- c/o 200g/ea Hymn
71 Destroyer Cores
IGN: Hyoga of Ice
Marty Silverblade
Hmmm, S/B on all sugar and party items, 1k Juggernaut
30k for the stack of fruitcakes.
IGN: Zero Crux
IGN: Zero Crux
4k for blacks and whites dyes.
15k eternal shield stregh
20k for all superb, destroyers and lockp
ING racso doila
15k eternal shield stregh
20k for all superb, destroyers and lockp
ING racso doila
Dervish Kid
180/ea all rainbow cc's
100/ea all snowman summoners
1k/ea all red rock candy
ign: i monk in nikes
100/ea all snowman summoners
1k/ea all red rock candy
ign: i monk in nikes
50g per point of booze
50g per tonic
2k %20 ench staff wrap
50g per point party items
100g per tome
50g per tonic
2k %20 ench staff wrap
50g per point party items
100g per tome
500g per Rit Tome.
6k Per Black Dye.
IGN: Ascendant of Death
6k Per Black Dye.
IGN: Ascendant of Death
All party items at 100g/ea
ig: Artaban Puli
All party items at 100g/ea
ig: Artaban Puli
Eagle nutcracker
1k on The Shatterstone
IGN: Eagle Spellsplasher
IGN: Eagle Spellsplasher
Retract offer on the Grog - got some elsewhere. Sorry about that
100g/pt for tonics
IGN: The Rabbit Warrior
IGN: The Rabbit Warrior
b u m p . . . . .
supa stud
40k eternal shield str
PM me or ign: supa stud
PM me or ign: supa stud
50g ea for your Creme Brulees.
1k ea on all lockpicks
IGN: William Knight
1k ea on all lockpicks
IGN: William Knight
1k on elite mes tome
Plagueborn Maul q9 (incr) 10k
ign froom ethron
ign froom ethron
Imperial Healer
I offer 110 gold per point on every sweet and party item you have please pm me before sale as im very interested (ign: imperial healer)
edit: also, 6.5k on black dyes
edit: also, 6.5k on black dyes
Hi, some offers on certain of your consumables ...
1.5k on 4 Searing Tonics (~187g per point)
2.25k on 9 Sugary Blue Drinks (125g per point)
21k on 55 Creme Brulees (~127g per point)
32k on 250 Fruitcakes (128g per point)
And if this really does have an inscription slot ...
15k on Plagueborn Maul q9 (incr)
Thanks & Cheers
EDIT - post trade - Well, the Plagueborn Maul wasn't inscribable after all, but I can't say I was surprised. We just traded the consumables above. Nice seller, easy to work with. Thanks again & GL with the sales!
1.5k on 4 Searing Tonics (~187g per point)
2.25k on 9 Sugary Blue Drinks (125g per point)
21k on 55 Creme Brulees (~127g per point)
32k on 250 Fruitcakes (128g per point)
And if this really does have an inscription slot ...
15k on Plagueborn Maul q9 (incr)
Thanks & Cheers
EDIT - post trade - Well, the Plagueborn Maul wasn't inscribable after all, but I can't say I was surprised. We just traded the consumables above. Nice seller, easy to work with. Thanks again & GL with the sales!
150g/point on all party points.
IGN: Xintos Orokin
IGN: Xintos Orokin
b u m p . . .
Fire Imp - 500g
Warrior Tome - 250g
IGN Kitten Punch
Warrior Tome - 250g
IGN Kitten Punch
s/b on plagueborn hornbow, I'd like to know mods on it too.
ign - nilator the healer
ign - nilator the healer
Originally Posted by Nilator

s/b on plagueborn hornbow, I'd like to know mods on it too.
ign - nilator the healer
b u m p
damage +19% while health below 50%
ign - nilator the healer
b u m p
damage +19% while health below 50%
1k Aataxe
IGN: Naeryndam Alastar
IGN: Naeryndam Alastar
5k for the r9 command Ancient shield
Drelias Melaku
1.1k each on all the lockpicks, please.
IGN - Drelias Melaku
IGN - Drelias Melaku
b u m p . . . . .
My offer :
2 Green Rock Candies- 115g/point = 345g/each
10 Red Rock Candies- 1500g/each
104 Pumpknin Cookies- 115g/each
Note : I understand Imperial Healer's offer is 110g/point, not 110g/item so I think you should edit your summary for the following items (2 sweet points per item) :
7 Red Bean Cakes- c/o 110g/ea Imperial Healer -> 220g/each ?
67 Peppermint Candy Canes- c/o 110g/ea Imperial Healer -> 220 g/each ?
If I misunderstood the current offer on these two items, then my offer is
7 Red Bean Cakes- 200g/each (i.e. 100g/point)
67 Peppermint Candy Canes- 200g/each (i.e. 100g/point)
But I do believe Imperial Healer's offer is above mine on these two items.
IGN : Rip Them All
Connected from France (6 hours difference with east coast)
My offer :
2 Green Rock Candies- 115g/point = 345g/each
10 Red Rock Candies- 1500g/each
104 Pumpknin Cookies- 115g/each
Note : I understand Imperial Healer's offer is 110g/point, not 110g/item so I think you should edit your summary for the following items (2 sweet points per item) :
7 Red Bean Cakes- c/o 110g/ea Imperial Healer -> 220g/each ?
67 Peppermint Candy Canes- c/o 110g/ea Imperial Healer -> 220 g/each ?
If I misunderstood the current offer on these two items, then my offer is
7 Red Bean Cakes- 200g/each (i.e. 100g/point)
67 Peppermint Candy Canes- 200g/each (i.e. 100g/point)
But I do believe Imperial Healer's offer is above mine on these two items.
IGN : Rip Them All
Connected from France (6 hours difference with east coast)
6 Ritualist Tomes- 600 ea - 3600 total
1 Necromancer Tome- 300 ea - 3900 total
1 Warrior Tome- 300 ea - 4200 total
3 Necromancer Tomes- 300 ea - 5100 total
3 Monk Tome- 500 ea - 6600 total
IGN Il Vacuity Il
Thanks in advance!
1 Necromancer Tome- 300 ea - 3900 total
1 Warrior Tome- 300 ea - 4200 total
3 Necromancer Tomes- 300 ea - 5100 total
3 Monk Tome- 500 ea - 6600 total
IGN Il Vacuity Il
Thanks in advance!

50k eternal strength
IGN; Larry Cheeseankle
IGN; Larry Cheeseankle
4 Necromancer Tomes
500g each
Yuuki Hana Minako
500g each
Yuuki Hana Minako
6 Ritualist Tomes
700g each
IGn Kitten Punch
700g each
IGn Kitten Punch
110 bottles of grog 200g ea (22k tot)
IGN: Roland Knightwind
IGN: Roland Knightwind

Increasing one of my previous offers
10 Red Rock Candies- c/o 1.5k/ea nospam-please -> 1750g/each
IGN : Rip Them All
10 Red Rock Candies- c/o 1.5k/ea nospam-please -> 1750g/each
IGN : Rip Them All
b u m p . . .
Elisabet Ramsey
Staff Wrapping 3k
Vampiric 5/-1: 500g
Equine Aegis q9 Tactics 900g
Jade Sword 2k
Runic Blade q10 1k
Embossed Aegis q10 Strength 1k
Vampiric 5/-1: 500g
Equine Aegis q9 Tactics 900g
Jade Sword 2k
Runic Blade q10 1k
Embossed Aegis q10 Strength 1k
Master Astaldo
Wind Rider - 1k
Forest Minotaur - 2k
IGN: Master Astaldo
Forest Minotaur - 2k
IGN: Master Astaldo
Premium Unleaded
tonics 110g/per point
IGN: Three Piece
IGN: Three Piece