looking to sell this Canthan staff which is as follows:
q12 Platinum Staff (Fire Magic) 20/20 inherent
Adept Staff Head 20%
Staff Wrapping of Fire Magic +1 20%
s/b 50e
b/o 100e
Many thanks
WTS 20/20 Fire Platinum Staff
i dealer i
ing: nila van aris
ing: nila van aris
ange misericordieux
i dealer i
66e is the current bid - any more for any more?
Selling it over the next 48 hours ty
Selling it over the next 48 hours ty
Captain Krompdown
I'm retracting my bid because the person for whom I would've been purchasing this staff expressed to me that the thought of potentially owning this staff left him flat in the pants. Hence, my earlier bid seems to be an overstatement of my current level of interest in this item. Looking forward, I do not anticipate my interest level rising to the point of wanting to pay more than 66 ectos for this staff, so I believe that retracting is the wise and considerate thing to do.