Plagueborn Staff q9 Divine 20/20 Heal
Mid Nighty
Hi all, I'm selling this pretty nice staff:
s/b: 1e
c/o: 55e (bunnY*Go)
b/o: 70e
I accept any amount of armbraces at 28e each, pls avoid 1e overbids.
My IGN is Mid Nighty as well, I reserve all rights to sell ingame or not to sell at all.
s/b: 1e
c/o: 55e (bunnY*Go)
b/o: 70e
I accept any amount of armbraces at 28e each, pls avoid 1e overbids.
My IGN is Mid Nighty as well, I reserve all rights to sell ingame or not to sell at all.
100k to kick this off.
Mid Nighty
Daily Bump ...
20e ! 

Mid Nighty
Bump, still looking for some good offers

i dealer i
35e............................................... .................................................. .....
40 ecto
Mid Nighty
Bump, I will add b/o tomorrow.
Mid Nighty
Bump, added b/o.
bunnY*Go here for ign. Thank you.
Mid Nighty
Bump, I will sell the staff within the next 1-2 days for the best offer.
Mid Nighty
Last Bump before sale.