Okay guys, I'm giving YOU the chance to own some of my very nice items. I am not playing as much as before due to work. I may or may not sell anything/everything. I am looking for good offers, otherwise I'll probably just keep, to be honest.
S/B everything is 100k
I accept armbraces @ 27e
Please specify which item you are bidding on
Leave your IGN
Jellyfish Water - SOLD TO Z SPLIT
Celestial Water - 75e - Z Split (via PM) (R/B: 105e)
Celestial Earth - 75e - Z Split (via PM) (B/O: 80e)
Wintergreen Spear - SOLD TO BLOODGOAT
Demoncrest Spear - SOLD TO Kurr Bloodfang
Tormented Spear - 27e - Ariena Najea (B/O: Pending, No news from buyer)
Tormented Command Shield - SOLD VIA PM
Echovald Shield - 205 - Alyss In Wonderland (B/O: 250e)
Zodiac Blood - 25e - Lynette Le Sange
Zodiac Air - 25e - Z Split (via PM)
Jade Earth - None - (B/O: 18e)
Jade Fire - SOLD TO Mid Nighty
Zodiac Spawning - None
Ghostly Spawning - None
Dragon Communing - None
Ghostly Death - None
Twin Dragon - None
EL Frosty Tonic - SOLD TO Zookeeper Zynrgy
Ironwing Flatbow- 50e - Nila Van Aris (B/O: 70e)
Unded Gwen Doll - 70e - A De Ha De (B/O: 80e)
Yakkington - 36e - samite (B/O: 50e)
Unded Princess Salma - SOLD VIA PM
Unded Evennia - SOLD VIA PM TO geo273
Wintergreen Shield - SOLD TO BLOODGOAT
Jellyfish Blood - None
Zodiac Daggers - None
Thank you for bids~
I reserve the right to do WHATEVER I WANT with the items above.

Have fun!
Lady Sapphire