PC on a bunch of old school R8 stuff


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


Greetings. I took quite a bit of time off from Guild Wars over the last two years or so, but I recently played through Nightfall. I also used to buy and sell items all the time, so I accumulated a few nice items. I used to know how much this stuff was worth. Now I have no clue. Please help me. Thanks in advance. All have proper damage and are gold.


1. Poisonous Celestial Bow of Fortitude - R8, +5 energy +33% poison, +30 hp

2. Sundering Zodiac Bow of Fort - R8, 15^50, AP 20%, +30hp

3. Sundering Ivory Bow of Fort - R8, 15^50, AP 20%, +30hp

4. Vampiric Celestial Bow - R8, +!5% -10, +5hp on hit -1 regen

5. Sundering Eternal Bow of Fort - R8, 15^50, AP 20%, +30hp

6. Shadow Bow of Enchanting - R8, 15^50, +20% Enchants

7. Vampiric Platinum Bow of Defence - R8, 15^50, +5 Armor, +5hp on hit -1 regen

8. Poisonous Platinum Longbow - R8, +15 -10, +33% Poison

9. Sundering Ironwing Flatbow of Fort - R9, +5e, AP 20%, +30hp

10. Ebon Storm Bow of Warding - R9, +15 -10, Earth Damage, +7 armor (elem)

11. Celestrial Longbow of Defense - R9, 15^50, +5 armor


12. Shocking Mursaat Hammer of HM - R11, +15 while enchanted, HM +1

13. Zealous Celestial Hammer of Defense - R9, +15 while enchanted, +1e -1egen, +5 armor

14. Vampiric Tetsubo Hammer of Fortitude - R10, 15^50, +5hp on hit, -1 regen, +30 hp

15. Zealous Tetsubo Hammer of Enchanting - R9, +15 which enchanted, +1e -1egen, +33% enchanting

16. Sundering Golden Maul of Fort - R9, 15^50, AP 20%, +30 hp.


17. Sundering Zodiac Sword of Defense - R8, 15^50, AP 20%, +5 defense

18. Ebon Golden Phoenix Blade of Shelter - R9, 15^50, Earth Dmg, +7 armor (physical)

19. Crippling Zodiac Sword of Shelter - R9, 15^50, 33% crippling, +7 armor (physical)


20. Vampiric Zodiac Daggers of Fort - R8, +5 energy, +30hp, +3hp on hit, -1 hp regen

I know I'm asking about a lot of items, but I would truly be grateful if you all could assist me in pricing these in today's market. Thanks again.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


Bump...I know this is a lot of stuff, but this would really be helpful. Thanks.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2010

wtb vs Dragons shields!

Vengeance Of The Night


Firstly, congratulations on this collection, it looks very nice.

Secondly, bows #1-8 are all >100k, with the Zodiac being the most expensive. Unsure on the exact prices, though. Storm bow should be some 20-30k (a 15^50 one is ~50k at best).

Zodiac sword q8 is also >100k, as are the Zodiac daggs (there is someone on guru actively looking to buy q8 5en daggs, you might want to look him up on the Buy threads).

Zodiac sword q9 should be some 50-60k imo.

Hope this helps, cheers!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2008


--- アoo アugs アlan --- [ァアァ]


imo all your q8 15^50 bow's should be 60e+
that's for the 15^50 ones, q8+5 bows i think probably arround 40e or so, rest of those not sure

hammers and swords that are q9 15^50 should go for 10-20k ea, rest of those just put them on heroes...

q8 15^50 zodiac sword should be arround 100-120-130e i think.....
no idea about those dags tho. gl



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


1. 30e imo

2. 70e imo

3. 40e imo

4. 50k imo

5. 80e+ imo

6. 50-70k imo

7. 30e imo

8. 50k imo

9. 20k maybe

10. 10k / hero / selfuse / merchant

11. 10-15k


12. merchant

13. merchant / 5k

14. 20-30k

15. 20k

16. 30-40k.


17. 80-100e

18. 20k

19. 60k


20. 40e+