Ripy's High End Sale- EL Yuletide,Canthan Oldschools
Ripy rip
Closed By Seller
i dealer i
Ripy rip
bring up my post
got some strong offers down below
got some strong offers down below
3k on Echovald
200g on Ornate
150g on Gothic
150g on Amber
200g on Ornate
150g on Gothic
150g on Amber
Warrior Bradols
5k on the echo
500g/ea on the rest
500g/ea on the rest
teh bestest is here
5k flame artifact
r8 Echovald 50k
IGN i only run spirits
IGN i only run spirits
Ripy rip
bring up my post
Ripy rip
bring up my post. keep bids coming
Sins Wil Kill U All
May have offer for El Yuletide. Pm me in-game please
IGN = Sins Wil Kill U All
IGN = Sins Wil Kill U All
Ripy rip
bump. really looking to sell tonic and echovald