Storage Cleanout HUGE SALE!
Real Dangerous
i s/b on the eternal bow 5k
and what is the b/o for it?
IGN: Real Dangerousx
and what is the b/o for it?
IGN: Real Dangerousx
10k on mallyx
Ign Tyrials Aether
Ign Tyrials Aether
s/b on Zodiac Sword
IGN Mints Darkheart
IGN Mints Darkheart
5K on Moa
5K on Ox
IGN: Alish Faralydd
5K on Ox
IGN: Alish Faralydd
s/b on..
ssuns' staff
gloom shield
IGN: Witch Doctor Kristy
ssuns' staff
gloom shield
IGN: Witch Doctor Kristy
1k each on:
mally motivation
rit shadow staff
fendi staff
ssun staff
droks str shield
totem axe
aegis of aargh
rurik mini
10k on moa
10k on cele ox
3k each on prim arm rems
5k gaki polymock
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
mally motivation
rit shadow staff
fendi staff
ssun staff
droks str shield
totem axe
aegis of aargh
rurik mini
10k on moa
10k on cele ox
3k each on prim arm rems
5k gaki polymock
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
Devil Luca
Celestial Ox 15k
nigro marcia
s/b 1k
Elementalist (3)
Mesmer (2)
Assassin (1)
Paragon (1)
Dervish (1)
IGN Nigro Marcia
s/b 1k
Elementalist (3)
Mesmer (2)
Assassin (1)
Paragon (1)
Dervish (1)
IGN Nigro Marcia
Lu Na Tic
Mallyx's Motivation (1.5K)
Strongroot's Shelter (1k)
Lou's Karambits (1k)
<- sin tic
Strongroot's Shelter (1k)
Lou's Karambits (1k)
<- sin tic
50gp/ea on Warrior Tomez!
-Ign: Il Throff Il
-Ign: Il Throff Il
500g on 10 ele tomes
2k on all elite tomes
s/b on all unbidded mallyx stuff
ign Hammerdin Solo Baal
Eastern time
2k on all elite tomes
s/b on all unbidded mallyx stuff
ign Hammerdin Solo Baal
Eastern time
25k on Celestial Ox
IGN: Zero Crux
IGN: Zero Crux
Q9 Katana 10k Q9 Emblazoned Defender 10k Q10 Eternal Bow 10k elite tomes 2k ea s/b on minis
IGN I Only Run Spirits
IGN I Only Run Spirits
Oola's Wand - 3k
Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh - 5k
Peace - 5k
Q9 Chromium Shards - 10k
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh - 5k
Peace - 5k
Q9 Chromium Shards - 10k
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Max Dasher
20k on Q10 Zodiac Sword Insc
ign: Max Dasher
ign: Max Dasher
Mini mallyx 32e s/b wintergreen shield
ign i only run spirits
ign i only run spirits
prince ruick 1k
ign i only run spirits
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: Non-bid: Consecutive Posts There is no reason to post more than once in the same thread unless you have been outbid. Do not post a new reply when you already have the most recent post on the thread. If you want to make offers on additional items or increase your bid, click
on your existing post and change/add as necessary. If it has been some time since your last post, you might also send the seller a private message to let them know you've made changes.
Each reply posted to a thread bumps it to the top of the forum list. Do not make consecutive posts to bid on items in the same thread.
If other users have posted to outbid you, you must make a new post if you want to bid higher. If you are outbid in a new post, you may not go back to your first post and edit to raise your offer, aka "stealth bidding."
If other users have replied since your last post, it is acceptable to post again for new items. Do not abuse this to help a seller keep his/her thread bumped.
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
ign i only run spirits
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: Non-bid: Consecutive Posts There is no reason to post more than once in the same thread unless you have been outbid. Do not post a new reply when you already have the most recent post on the thread. If you want to make offers on additional items or increase your bid, click

If other users have posted to outbid you, you must make a new post if you want to bid higher. If you are outbid in a new post, you may not go back to your first post and edit to raise your offer, aka "stealth bidding."
If other users have replied since your last post, it is acceptable to post again for new items. Do not abuse this to help a seller keep his/her thread bumped.
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Marty Silverblade
2k on Rurik and the Terrorweb Drider
Peace 10k
Celestial Ox 30k
Elite Elementalist (3) 3k each
Droknar's Curses Scepter 1k
Celestial Ox 30k
Elite Elementalist (3) 3k each
Droknar's Curses Scepter 1k
Bring up my post
Warrior Tomes (45) b/o 250g ea
Bear of Steel
40e on the phantasmal Tonic
Forgotten Axe -2k
Sr Ares
Sr Ares
O Cookie Jar O
b/o on zodiac sword
IGN : Ali Ownz
IGN : Ali Ownz
****Withdrawing bid, found elsewhere, thank you****
4k on 1x Elite Elementalist Tome
IGN Kitten Punch
IGN Kitten Punch
3k on Rurik,
b/o all sin regular tomes and b/o on 1 elite sin tome.
Edit: total 7k.
b/o all sin regular tomes and b/o on 1 elite sin tome.
Edit: total 7k.
B/O 12k on gaki polymock
Aidan Aim <-IGN
Aidan Aim <-IGN
Bring up my Post
8k on gloom shield
IGN: Rah Xatan
IGN: Rah Xatan
Bring up my post
S/B on Stygian Daggers, 1 Stygian Spear and Luluh's Spear.
7k on Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
4k on Terrorweb Dryder
IGN: Badger Mistress
7k on Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
4k on Terrorweb Dryder
IGN: Badger Mistress
4k on all elite ele tomes you still have
IGN: I Vampire Lord I
IGN: I Vampire Lord I
Master Astaldo
Moa Chick: 12k
Abomination: 2k
IGN: Master Astaldo
Abomination: 2k
IGN: Master Astaldo
Moa Chick 15k
Abomination 2k
Rurik 4k
Charr Shaman (1) - 2K
Assassin Elite Tome -3k
Stygian Daggers 500g
IGN: Demetri Thanatos
Abomination 2k
Rurik 4k
Charr Shaman (1) - 2K
Assassin Elite Tome -3k
Stygian Daggers 500g
IGN: Demetri Thanatos
Clinically Proven
s/b on jade sword
IGN: Rayana Stormhammer
IGN: Rayana Stormhammer
cheape arie
5k on the Stygian Daggers.
IGN: Cheape arie
IGN: Cheape arie
Bring up my post
1k Mallyx's Edge
IGN: The Rabbit Warrior
IGN: The Rabbit Warrior