WTS Sweet/Drunk/Party Points & Extras
Sell these items off as a bunch. (Since I no longer need anymore points for my own titles).
1883 Drunk Minutes - SOLD
515 x Spiked Eggnogs (counted as 3 mins) - SOLD OFF SEPERATELY
148 x Bottles of Grogs (counted as 3 mins) - SOLD OFF SEPERATELY
1 x Aged Dwarven Ale (counted as 3 mins)
20 x Aged Hunter's Ales (counted as 3 mins)
7 x Flasks of Firewater (counted as 3 mins)
20 x Hunter's Ales
234 x Eggnogs
797 Sweet Points - 170k
10 x Jars of Honey (2 points each)
52 x Golden Eggs
46 x Slices of Pumpkin Pie
230 x Wintergreen Candy Canes
94 x Peppermint Candy Canes (2 points each)
62 x Rainbow Candy Canes
29 x Pumpkin Cookies
60 x Honeycombs
5 x Green Rock Candies (3 points each)
5 x Blue Rock Candies (5 points each)
10 x Red Rock Candies (7 points each)
1723 Party Points - 344.6k
9 x Disco Balls (7 points each)
40 x Crates of Fireworks (3 points each)
123 x Sparklers
392 x Bottle Rockets
360 x Champagne Poppers
360 x Snowman Summoners
18 x Yuletide Tonics (2 points each)
1 x Transmogrifier Tonic (2 points each)
28 x Frosty Tonics (2 points each)
3 x Mischievous Tonics (2 points each)
15 x Cottontail Tonics (2 points each)
35 x Mysterious Tonics (5 points each)
112 Red Gift Bags - 33.6k (300g each)
80 Summoning Stones - SOLD
1 x Shining Blade War Horn
15 x Merchantile Summoning Stones
49 x Mysterious Summoning Stones
3 x Fossilized Summoning Stones
13 x Celestial Summoning Stones
(I will sell to the it to highest bidder if some one decides to buy it at a higher price than the current bidder)
1883 Drunk Minutes - SOLD
515 x Spiked Eggnogs (counted as 3 mins) - SOLD OFF SEPERATELY
148 x Bottles of Grogs (counted as 3 mins) - SOLD OFF SEPERATELY
1 x Aged Dwarven Ale (counted as 3 mins)
20 x Aged Hunter's Ales (counted as 3 mins)
7 x Flasks of Firewater (counted as 3 mins)
20 x Hunter's Ales
234 x Eggnogs
797 Sweet Points - 170k
10 x Jars of Honey (2 points each)
52 x Golden Eggs
46 x Slices of Pumpkin Pie
230 x Wintergreen Candy Canes
94 x Peppermint Candy Canes (2 points each)
62 x Rainbow Candy Canes
29 x Pumpkin Cookies
60 x Honeycombs
5 x Green Rock Candies (3 points each)
5 x Blue Rock Candies (5 points each)
10 x Red Rock Candies (7 points each)
1723 Party Points - 344.6k
9 x Disco Balls (7 points each)
40 x Crates of Fireworks (3 points each)
123 x Sparklers
392 x Bottle Rockets
360 x Champagne Poppers
360 x Snowman Summoners
18 x Yuletide Tonics (2 points each)
1 x Transmogrifier Tonic (2 points each)
28 x Frosty Tonics (2 points each)
3 x Mischievous Tonics (2 points each)
15 x Cottontail Tonics (2 points each)
35 x Mysterious Tonics (5 points each)
112 Red Gift Bags - 33.6k (300g each)
80 Summoning Stones - SOLD
1 x Shining Blade War Horn
15 x Merchantile Summoning Stones
49 x Mysterious Summoning Stones
3 x Fossilized Summoning Stones
13 x Celestial Summoning Stones
(I will sell to the it to highest bidder if some one decides to buy it at a higher price than the current bidder)
If you're willing to split things up, I'll offer 40k for the Grog
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Morticia Swift
75k for Snowman Summoners

IGN Morticia Swift

IGN Morticia Swift
Iron Hawk_FIN
I'll take the summoning stones, if possible only Mysterious and Mercantile, if not, I'll buy them all. Thanks.
IGN: Torsti Alatissi
IGN: Torsti Alatissi
ranger o mine
Pumpkin pies for 200 ra
ign ranger o mine
ign ranger o mine
I will buy all Spammable party points for 165g each
IGN: X I Know X
IGN: X I Know X
nvm i got all alcohol i need tyvm
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID; Unclear Offer Post a bid or do not post. Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email. Any post that does not contain a clear and legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post. (This includes posts requesting the seller to contact you in game or by PM to negotiate unspecified buyouts - You can PM such requests to the buyer instead. Private offers do not require public posts.) In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban
Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages.
EDITED by LicensedLuny for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID; Unclear Offer Post a bid or do not post. Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email. Any post that does not contain a clear and legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post. (This includes posts requesting the seller to contact you in game or by PM to negotiate unspecified buyouts - You can PM such requests to the buyer instead. Private offers do not require public posts.)
I'll take all you non-spammable party points at 130g/per point.
(tonics, crates, and disco ballz)
IGN: X I Know X
(tonics, crates, and disco ballz)
IGN: X I Know X
If you want I can take all sweet points for 150g/point.
IGN: Il Ha Xi Or Il
IGN: Il Ha Xi Or Il
Devil Luca
1 x Shining Blade War Horn
Devil Luca
Devil Luca
200g/ea on summoning stones
must be with the shining blade war horn.
ign: alex ke
must be with the shining blade war horn.
ign: alex ke
Fury Chain
Buy all 515 x Spiked Eggnogs (counted as 3 mins)
will pay 140k
IGN: Sick Fury
will pay 140k
IGN: Sick Fury
reiko kai
retract my bid
The Scorpion Knight
Just a random bump. Wantz monaiiiii!
reiko kai
I will pay 130k for all sweet points
Monje Ee.
Monje Ee.