I just got gwamm on my mesmer, but lost her due to account termination (lets not discuss that)
So im thinking of going for gwamm again - this time on either a warrior or a monk ... but im not rly sure which :/
I've been playing warrior in pve for alot of time, and its getting a little trivial - monk on the other hand, is just another 60AL class to get thru all HM content, which can be a bitch aswell...
Which would u pick?
Pro n Cons?
So im thinking of going for gwamm again - this time on either a warrior or a monk ... but im not rly sure which :/
I've been playing warrior in pve for alot of time, and its getting a little trivial - monk on the other hand, is just another 60AL class to get thru all HM content, which can be a bitch aswell...
Which would u pick?
Pro n Cons?
Marty Silverblade
Depends which playstyle you like more. I prefer melee, so I'd go with Warrior. Larger variety of builds is good when you vanquish. Also agree the above post, except the last con. That's what heroes are for.
Eragon Selene
I have GWAMM on my Warrior........was very easy to do. I am currently working on a second GWAMM on my monk.
The Warrior was easyer, Heros and Hench can heal fairly well so I found it easy on the warrior when going for the VQ, Guardian and Skill cap titles.
When playing a warrior you can flag your heros and block agro ect ect..........tatics are easyer to run I fond.
The Warrior was easyer, Heros and Hench can heal fairly well so I found it easy on the warrior when going for the VQ, Guardian and Skill cap titles.
When playing a warrior you can flag your heros and block agro ect ect..........tatics are easyer to run I fond.
GWAMM on warrior, no buyer's remorse here. Had much more fun playing it than the monk...monk is a fallback character for when people need a healer for guild stuff.
I recommend Warrior. Both of my GWAMMs were warrior, actually. >_<
Eragon Zarroc
i'd say warrior but that is because my gwamm is a warrior. how much have you been playing warrior? what build? what is getting trivial about it that you may not want to play it?
The problem with monk is that, if you're planning to do most of the content with heroes and henchies, you will have to rely on their less-than-satisfactory AI to correctly select targets, know when to attack and when to retreat, etc. while you heal and prot, which can be EXTREMELY frustrating. Also, because most of the PVE skills are damage oriented, you miss out your chance of abusing them if you play a classic monk. Unless you go smite, or AP caller, in which you have a total of maybe three viable builds you can play. Boring.
Warrior does get kind of repetitive after a while, but at least you have some build variety. Warrior's Endurance builds, Dragonslash, Hundred Blades, Eviscerate, Earthshaker, Triple Chop, Dwarven Battle Stance, the list goes on. Only problem is that the amazingness of warrior makes everything a bit too easy
Warrior does get kind of repetitive after a while, but at least you have some build variety. Warrior's Endurance builds, Dragonslash, Hundred Blades, Eviscerate, Earthshaker, Triple Chop, Dwarven Battle Stance, the list goes on. Only problem is that the amazingness of warrior makes everything a bit too easy

Warrior was my first choice - and i guess i'll stick with it!
Ur all right about the versitility of the warrior - its sublime
Ur all right about the versitility of the warrior - its sublime
Warrior, rits, necros should take you lesser time than other professions.
Sins, eles and mes and derv should be considered next.
Pretty much, any character that deals large chunks of damage and gives better management of enemy aggro can help speed up GWAMM development.
Sins, eles and mes and derv should be considered next.
Pretty much, any character that deals large chunks of damage and gives better management of enemy aggro can help speed up GWAMM development.
I find vanquishing and doing HM missions very easy with my monk playing mostly as SoS spirit spammer, and bonder in some particular case.
However, if you want to play a class the way it was designed to, IMHO you shouldn't pick a monk, because healing in PvE is extremely boring, except maybe for some elite mission, and it's also much less effective than playing a damage dealer, as the other posters have said.
However, if you want to play a class the way it was designed to, IMHO you shouldn't pick a monk, because healing in PvE is extremely boring, except maybe for some elite mission, and it's also much less effective than playing a damage dealer, as the other posters have said.
Did GWAMM # 1 on ele, it took me a long time since I spent a lot of time maxing all the accountwide pve titles.
Once that was complete, achieved GWAMM # 2 on war. Nice change of pace, power and control - took me much shorter time to complete compared to ele since I basically bitch-slapped enemies on my war.
Once that was complete, achieved GWAMM # 2 on war. Nice change of pace, power and control - took me much shorter time to complete compared to ele since I basically bitch-slapped enemies on my war.
The Black Leach
Warriors for GWAMM, LOL!
Imo capping/tome-ing all the elite skills on a warrior is quite a waste.
...but then again so is playing warrior at all.
If you are going to grind a PvE title, Pick a class more useful in PvE.
Imo capping/tome-ing all the elite skills on a warrior is quite a waste.
...but then again so is playing warrior at all.

If you are going to grind a PvE title, Pick a class more useful in PvE.