Worried about being banned?
there was a joke (it was about a communist country) which fits perfectly in this case:
Rabbit is hastily crossing a border and a guard asks
-Why are you running away from your country?
-They are castrating the camels there - answers the rabbit and throws a scary look behind.
-You are a rabbit not a camel so what is the problem?
-Yes I know I am a rabbit but will I have enough time to explain that to them?
I am inclined to say that it is better to be paranoid if you wish to avoid all the risk.
Rabbit is hastily crossing a border and a guard asks
-Why are you running away from your country?
-They are castrating the camels there - answers the rabbit and throws a scary look behind.
-You are a rabbit not a camel so what is the problem?
-Yes I know I am a rabbit but will I have enough time to explain that to them?
I am inclined to say that it is better to be paranoid if you wish to avoid all the risk.
Martin Alvito
Yeh, farm all you want. They use upwards of 20 different metrics to ID bots manually. You are fine.
Your best defense is behaving in a manner that produces evidence Support can observe that tends to disconfirm the hypothesis that you're a bot. In other words, you need to separate your behavior from that of the bots. There are a few things that you can do to protect yourself:
- Exhaust your weekly options (Nicholas, WiK quests). That should give people in Support pause when considering whether you're acting like a bot.
- Farm in better places than the bots do. Other than event item farming, there are superior alternatives available to even semi-skilled players. The bots farm where they do because it's easy, not because it's efficient.
- Be efficient, but not precise. 'R' and moving the screen with the mouse while running through towns are your friends.
In short, odds are that you won't get wrongfully banned, but there are things you can do to decrease the odds of eating a false ban.
Pretty difficult to get mistaken for a bot...you have to try hard to follow the same paths and hit your skills the instant they recharge...every single time.
No worry here...they got other issues if they think I'm a bot.
And to all those who report people farming in the same areas as bots...hope you get banned...you're doing Anet no favors by making false reports.
No worry here...they got other issues if they think I'm a bot.
And to all those who report people farming in the same areas as bots...hope you get banned...you're doing Anet no favors by making false reports.
Little unrelated but got this while playing my ranger in Random Arena today.
Gotta say, that somebodys going through random arena with something to detect bots, caused me a little paranoia that he was using it on me even though i didnt see how i was acting in any way like a bot.
Gotta say, that somebodys going through random arena with something to detect bots, caused me a little paranoia that he was using it on me even though i didnt see how i was acting in any way like a bot.
Feathermoore Rep
A code viewer for GW??? Lamest shit I've heard in a while.
But to view and record the lines of code being processed by the guildwars client would require source monitoring (either packets or dll). I'd say don't worry about because he's more likely to get banned for doing so than anyone else. Clearly if he has the means to monitor, record, and detect other people using bots, he easily has bot access. And if its that easy, i bet aNet already knows about it.
But to view and record the lines of code being processed by the guildwars client would require source monitoring (either packets or dll). I'd say don't worry about because he's more likely to get banned for doing so than anyone else. Clearly if he has the means to monitor, record, and detect other people using bots, he easily has bot access. And if its that easy, i bet aNet already knows about it.
Not much.
- The only external program I ever used is Steam, which is fully supported. So I won't get problems with that.
- I never trade, because THERE IS NO FRAKKING TRADING SYSTEM, and I refuse to call 'trading system' to spam and wait in a town or having to use external sites. So I will never get in trouble with dupes and such. And you should do the same, stop trading and abjure, advocate, beseech, besiege, canvass, entreat, impetrate, implore, importune, nag, obsecrate, obtest, plead, pray, press, require, solicit, sue, supplicate, urge, woo, worry, bother, cavil, censure, complain, criticize, fuss, grumble, knock, nitpick, objurgate, pan, peck, pick, quibble, reproach and complain until they surrender and make the impossible and more to add a bloody blessed trading system already.
- And I never use impolite words of any kind in local or team channels, never scam, never do anything 'bad'.
- And I never farm or play in a repetitive way, because it's plain boring.
A ban on my must be very unlikely.
- The only external program I ever used is Steam, which is fully supported. So I won't get problems with that.
- I never trade, because THERE IS NO FRAKKING TRADING SYSTEM, and I refuse to call 'trading system' to spam and wait in a town or having to use external sites. So I will never get in trouble with dupes and such. And you should do the same, stop trading and abjure, advocate, beseech, besiege, canvass, entreat, impetrate, implore, importune, nag, obsecrate, obtest, plead, pray, press, require, solicit, sue, supplicate, urge, woo, worry, bother, cavil, censure, complain, criticize, fuss, grumble, knock, nitpick, objurgate, pan, peck, pick, quibble, reproach and complain until they surrender and make the impossible and more to add a bloody blessed trading system already.
- And I never use impolite words of any kind in local or team channels, never scam, never do anything 'bad'.
- And I never farm or play in a repetitive way, because it's plain boring.
A ban on my must be very unlikely.
I hear ya. One side of me hopes you get banned for abusing the reporting system by reporting ANYONE that plays a monk that you see in Bergen Hot Springs "just to be on the safe side."
I agree that the 55 build is a gimmick but it's hardly a cheat or exploit. I understand your viewpoint I just disagree with the terminology you use. |
Black Metal
And yes the 55 build is a gimmick and a cheat and an exploit to many other players. Anet just never wised up about it and didn't do anything about it and it was the mother of all these other gimmick builds and botting that has been going on. Kill the source and you get rid of the problems.
Lol well it's not likely I'll get banned for reporting players that look like bots (all monks in Bergen Hot Springs). And yes the 55 build is a gimmick and a cheat and an exploit to many other players. Anet just never wised up about it and didn't do anything about it and it was the mother of all these other gimmick builds and botting that has been going on. Kill the source and you get rid of the problems.
When I was a code-monkey back in the 80's, there was a saying that I was quite fond of. "Build an idiot-proof system and they'll just design a better idiot." Game designers should know by now that no matter how much money, resources and time you put into play-testing, you're not going to think of every possibility. It's practically impossible. 5 years into GW you can rest assured that there are players who know how the game reacts to their actions better than the designers ever will.
I can make twice as much creating a character and speeding it thru a campaign than I can in the same amount of time spent 55-ing outside Bergen Hot Springs. But dammit! Sometimes I like to spend an hour pretending I'm a billy-bad-ass and pwning some undead in HM with my tiny lil' monk. Probably doesn't compare with the thrill you have of thinking you got someone banned but I enjoy it.
And now I feel harassed because you admitted, on a public forum, what prompted me to make my original post. I felt that there were people that hung around reporting monks in Bergen Hot Springs as bots without any proof (or care) whatsoever. You have confirmed my suspicion by not only admitting your violations of the EULA but by reaffirming and then explaining that you weren't worried at all of any repercussions. You said you found it unlikely that you would be banned for your violations.
You sound exactly like someone who bots. addendumUp until Dhuum went berserker. end addendum /report (just kidding)
Lol well it's not likely I'll get banned for reporting players that look like bots (all monks in Bergen Hot Springs). And yes the 55 build is a gimmick and a cheat and an exploit to many other players. Anet just never wised up about it and didn't do anything about it and it was the mother of all these other gimmick builds and botting that has been going on. Kill the source and you get rid of the problems.
Btw, Id love to know how many, if any, FoW sets you have because unless you farmed each ecto yourself its almost a guarantee that some were 55'ed for you...
You forgot to mention an offhand that lowers your health that they put into the game as well...
Lol well it's not likely I'll get banned for reporting players that look like bots (all monks in Bergen Hot Springs). And yes the 55 build is a gimmick and a cheat and an exploit to many other players. Anet just never wised up about it and didn't do anything about it and it was the mother of all these other gimmick builds and botting that has been going on. Kill the source and you get rid of the problems.
Mhenlo uses a 55 monk build and also receives an infinite length Protective Spirit at the start of his round. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_N...ing_Tournament
Maybe someone can start another retarded petition about it...

Countess Marie