Pls give me a PC about the confesser.
It would be nice if you can say something about the trend. Will it rise or fall?
P.S.: If u like to buy it, PM me ingame Gaudi Don Monk
gaudi don monk
gaudi don monk
update for PC pls
I've seen people selling 250-300 ectos ingame. Not sure whether it will go up or down, it depends how long the War in Kryta event lasts, I suppose. (That being said, two weeks ago, I saw one going for 500 ectos, so the trend seems to be downward for now.)
i did sold isaiah for 320e =)
i did sold isaiah for 320e =)
gaudi don monk
so where should i sell it at guru? at forum or at auctions?
I Pwn Brownies
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