Hey guys.
Decided I want to play GvG again after a long break from GW's and PvP.
Looking for a Euro guild, but abit about me....
> 19 yr old guy from UK. GMT times
> Like 95% of all GvG experience goes to Ranger, so I obviously prefer to play it whenever I can.
> Can also play some midline roles, but far prefer to play Ranger.
> Realise Guildwars is only a game, but still focused on winning and improving.
> Have never shouted/raged or acted like a fag for losing or someone doing something wrong. shit happens...
> Main experience goes to about R400ish but have played at r200 for a short while. Far prefer r400-500 (nicer people/ better games), I doubt i'm even good enough to play r200 any more.
> When I join a guild I intend to befriend everyone in it, and stay for as long as possible. ie Not a guildhopper.
> no contact that can vouch for me, i doubt any of them play anymore.
> couple of champ points, g3 blah...
So im looking for a guild in euro times, speaks english, that plays fairly regularly. nice people. Obviously understand GvG but dont have to be leet. just guys and girls who enjoy the game. no ragers and no-one who sounds like justin biber, high pitched voices on vent make me want to end my life. haha.
Rank/rating of the guild doesnt really bother me. Id actually prefer to have a higher ranked guild (with obviously the skills to improve) so we can play together and get to know playstyles. also so i can get back into GvG without jumping in at the deep end.
TL;DR - Ranger lfg, in b4 deadgaem ect.
hit me up ingame: Woodelf Archer.
PvP: Ranger lf GvG
Woodelf Archer