Big Storage Sale including WiK items
Rago's Flame Wand 2.5k
IGN Zain armstrong
IGN Zain armstrong
Fatally Flaw
The Adjudicator (WiK)=10k
Bogroot Rod=2k
Through Thick and Thin no.1 1k
Through Thick and Thin no.2 1k
Staff Wrap of Mastery 1k
ign--fatally flaw=total=19k
The Adjudicator (WiK)=10k
Bogroot Rod=2k
Through Thick and Thin no.1 1k
Through Thick and Thin no.2 1k
Staff Wrap of Mastery 1k
ign--fatally flaw=total=19k
Bran Signe
The rapture (WiK-Fast Casting Staff)-5k
IGN: Brum Signe
IGN: Brum Signe
Destroyer Staff c/o
Destroyer staff - 5K
ign: Peter Lake
ign: Peter Lake
Coffee Man
2k on Pig
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
IGN ---> Azeral Styx
I'll take "Through Thick and Thin" Inscription
IGN: The Immortal One
IGN: The Immortal One
3K on pig
ign: Peter Lake
ign: Peter Lake
I'd take the Staff Wrapping of Mastery for 1k and I'd like to bid 10k for The Rapture.
IGN Anne Nicholl and/or Celia Hansen.
(I have two accounts.)
IGN Anne Nicholl and/or Celia Hansen.
(I have two accounts.)
Bran Signe
I'll raise the bid on the Rapture to 12k.
IGN: Brum Signe
IGN: Brum Signe
I'd like to raise the bid on The Rapture to 15k.
IGN Anne Nicholl and Celia Hansen
IGN Anne Nicholl and Celia Hansen
ill take the "i have the power" inscription
IGN~Subliminal Input
IGN~Subliminal Input
Pure Killin
B/O on oppressor's scythe
Ign: echo of thousands
Ign: echo of thousands
Pure Killin
Retract Bid: bought in game
S/B on:
Tidal Staff req9 water
Jade Staff non insc req10 water
Buhons Prism
IGN: Rolin Mori
Tidal Staff req9 water
Jade Staff non insc req10 water
Buhons Prism
IGN: Rolin Mori
B/O on The Rapture (WiK)
ign: Divine Squishies
ign: Divine Squishies
75k war supplies
pm me ingame with what you'll sell it for
IGN is on left
pm me ingame with what you'll sell it for
IGN is on left
King Of The Fire
Not the Face 1k
Survival of the Fittest 1k
ign Wings Of Goddess
Survival of the Fittest 1k
ign Wings Of Goddess
Shan The Reaper
b/o Mursaat
b/o Cloudtouched Simian
IGN: Shan The Reaper
b/o Cloudtouched Simian
IGN: Shan The Reaper
Platinum Staff req9 inspiration 5k
Platinum Staff req9 soul reap 5k
IGN = Lady Windie
Platinum Staff req9 soul reap 5k
IGN = Lady Windie
Arieon Ito
Celestial Tiger bid, 25k.
travis ranger
Hopefully you still have the summoning stones. id like them pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
ign is
Travis Owns You
ign is
Travis Owns You
Princess Salma 30k
IGN Doppia Maxelli
IGN Doppia Maxelli
reiko kai
5k for unded shiro
Monje Ee.
Monje Ee.
Bring it up.