Why are the Blood Magic icons green?
Marty Silverblade
All Necromancer skills are colored a dark green. That's just the color they chose for Necros. They don't color according to attribute line, only profession.
If you thought Blood Magic icons should have been red, eles already have red.
Black Metal
each prof has its own color - the boss aura is that color, and EVERY skill in its profession is that color
didn't notice this little pattern?
didn't notice this little pattern?
You should have better asked why blood itself on the blood magic skills icons is bright BLUE instead of red! Like on

Truthfully the stuff dripping out looks whiteish more then green...although in the vial it looks green... So I guess another question is why does it change color...
Marty Silverblade
That's not a vial. Blood Ritual... it's a knife. Knife is green, blood is white, but appears green due to the background lighting.
I think it stops the images from being too gory. Some cultures might raise the game's age classification if it looked too real.
is that it? kinda hard to tell....I always viewed it as the guy was pouring out a vial of blood he had gotten from himself a second ago..but a knife makes more sense :P
Eragon Zarroc
meh, they are green because they are associated with necromancy. necromancy taints the blood a vile green?
Necromancer skills are green. Green is a colour with a relationship to the 'dark magic' especially those involving the body, ie necromancy. Green is also a colour associated with corruption (gangrene,rot etc.).
Necromancers are Martians fallot, we've been over this a thousand times already.