is 330 rit uw solo still viable
Defiling Treekiller
hey guys ,i recently made a rit and researched builds got the 330 uw farmer from wiki i have the right equip and runes all stats are as specified the prob im having is being outdamaged when VwK is down spirit bond ,reversal ,and weapon spell cant seem to keep up and im dead in a couple of seconds. im wondering if since the build was made have any of the updates changed skills so that is no longer useable. i have tried it in other farm areas and it does fine against physicals but as soon as a mesmer shows im all done also any advice and/or info is appreciated thanks
I believe its still usefull in some area's in UW and you can use it to solo Naphui Quarter (just 2 Lights can be tricky ), and probably more area's. So yeah its still viable, don't know every spot though.
Marty Silverblade
Skeleton's of Dhuum have been added to the underworld. Their attacks, such as a 100 damage bone spike, ignore all defences, INCLUDING PROT SPIRIT. I don't know if it makes uw impossible, but it's definitely much harder. You can always Spirit Spam it.
I did Naphui Qurater with my 330 rit yesterday for feathers, and it still works just fine.
Make sure that you are in hm, as spirit bond might not trigger in normal mode due to low damage
Make sure that you are in hm, as spirit bond might not trigger in normal mode due to low damage
not quite on topic, but when you do your feather run in Naphui, which portal do you start from? as for on topic, i haven't tried it in UW but it words fine for me everywhere else.