WTS some oldschool modded golds.

Gypsie Ettin

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007

Okay, I want rid of these oldschool golds (non-inscribable that is). Couldn't really make myself to make Merchantfodder of them, so I'll try to sell them here.

1# War Axe (req10) 15^Stance, no other mods added. (A +30hp can be added for an extra fee )
2# Butterfly Sword (req11) 15^50, a lousy Swordmanship+1 mod added but that's it.
3# Half Moon (req12) +5Energy, Vampiric and 20% Enchanting.
4# Shadow Bow (req13) 15^50, Vampiric and +7 Warding mod.

They are all of course max damage and still shiny (Been laying around the storage for ages.)

s/b is 7k for all of them.
If I'll get a satisfactory buyout-offer, I will sell it.

I reserve the rights to not sell for any reason or cancel a trade if I feel like it.[/FONT]

Gypsie Ettin

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007

Please bring this post up.