Hardcore Lag
My alliance has people from all over the world, each having difficulty with Guild Wars and lagging. From Holland, Japan, Canada, Europe, Australia, and many scattered throughout the states. All of us have been having lagging problems at very close intervals. It's been making running missions together really difficult and annoying lately.
There was an outpost-wide DC last night at around 6.30-7pm UK time (I wasn't watching the clock so I'm not sure of the exact time) in ToA as I was grouping for the Wanted quest. 3 districts and a huge party search list down to 1 dist and three people in party search after a megalagspike. Fun!
ll Jamie ll
There was an outpost-wide DC last night at around 6.30-7pm UK time (I wasn't watching the clock so I'm not sure of the exact time) in ToA as I was grouping for the Wanted quest. 3 districts and a huge party search list down to 1 dist and three people in party search after a megalagspike. Fun!
Not much lag, but did err7 4 times yesterday tho.
Ok, so who pulled the plug? I can't connect, nor can a friend.
EDIT: Nevermind. The problem has been resolved for the both of us.
EDIT: Nevermind. The problem has been resolved for the both of us.
To Chicken To Die
Whole guilds DC funny to see last logged and then 20 with 1 minute
Some 007 and 005 errors
Anet is killing servers whats new
Some 007 and 005 errors
Anet is killing servers whats new
BAD BAD timing for insane lag spikes, double xp weekend which i intent to do with my survivor, but its a bit to risky for me.
The Josip
Usually I wouldn't bother posting, but after 3 disconnects just this week and hours lost - I have to.
It's really getting ridiculous. And reconnect feature did not work a single time.
I vanquish almost entire area and then puff..
(Won't even count lag spikes)
It's really getting ridiculous. And reconnect feature did not work a single time.
I vanquish almost entire area and then puff..
(Won't even count lag spikes)
I discoed and so far the reconnect screen has come up 3 times and each time it isnt reconnecting. Make that 4 times.
Total of 8 times with the reconnect screen and I never did reconnect. I have never seen it soo bad before.
Total of 8 times with the reconnect screen and I never did reconnect. I have never seen it soo bad before.
To Chicken To Die
Same here 007 again and no connection to the server for 10 min now
Looks like servers imploded around 12 minutes ago? Did traceroute 100% packetloss when pinging *.*plaync*.*.*
Just wait I guess.
Just wait I guess.
El Presidente
Same for me! Was in game for the last 4 hours, then 007...and now code=058.
I removed my router started with lots of issues downtime every 1 hour now the lag is gone for my part.
But the wide dc someone mentioned that happened to me as well whole alliance i were in disconnected out..
So i dunno what is happening if its a routing issue it seems to be i recall last time it was anet investigated it.
I guess you people should report it, but i cant play for the moment due to my gfx card is bailing out and still waiting for the new one to arrive.
But the wide dc someone mentioned that happened to me as well whole alliance i were in disconnected out..
So i dunno what is happening if its a routing issue it seems to be i recall last time it was anet investigated it.
I guess you people should report it, but i cant play for the moment due to my gfx card is bailing out and still waiting for the new one to arrive.
Ranger Jaap
DC in UW and cant connect gg anet.
Haven't been able to connect for about 45 minutes now, due to this routing issue. Awful timing, as I need to get six characters to Shing Jea for the festival.
I just did the same and it fixed the issue. Weird.
I just did the same and it fixed the issue. Weird.
Tried to start GW, logging in actually took time, got some Connecting screeny.
It never happens, as in that nvr happened before, so i shut down GW after 10secs waiting.
(uhm, so, i did not got logged in, fyi)
It never happens, as in that nvr happened before, so i shut down GW after 10secs waiting.
(uhm, so, i did not got logged in, fyi)
I keep getting error 040 past hour or so ... wiki and gw website are working just fine.
Is it only me or some1 else getting it ?
Is it only me or some1 else getting it ?
just now, got error 040 also.
Not much to do but wait ftm.
Not much to do but wait ftm.
I can't log in.
004/007/040 2-3k av. ping
ggs Anet.
ggs Anet.
WTB New servers
I don't know what is more laggy - the forums or the game.
Me and guildies are getting all kinds of errors (007, 013, 040, insert random number) and cannot connect. Surely BIG Anet FAIL.
I don't know what is more laggy - the forums or the game.
Me and guildies are getting all kinds of errors (007, 013, 040, insert random number) and cannot connect. Surely BIG Anet FAIL.
Highlander Of Alba
Similar ..code 040 sent a ticket alsoso looks like a few areas on this
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
ll Jamie ll
WTB New servers
I don't know what is more laggy - the forums or the game. Me and guildies are getting all kinds of errors (007, 013, 040, insert random number) and cannot connect. Surely BIG Anet FAIL. |
Europe Servers are the only laggy ones for me... Guru hardly loads either. Now im stuck in Euro and cant load... when i was in American it was fine.
If it's for an awesome new WiK stuff (i dont know how that would explain only europe servers lagging but whatever) then that would be awesome. If not, explanation afterwards would be a +1...
Awesome lag is awesome. Just did a one on one in JQ. Quite fun stuff.

One person joins GvG battle in our case, 3 players with 2 henchies vs 4 with 2 henchies fights in HoH - fantastic, got to love Anet.
St??phane Lo Presti
Our team is looking into it. We're sorry for the inconvenience!
Same boat as you... And there I was assuming the Dragon Festival had ended...
Thanks, i just killed my team in DOA, couldn't press a any button and just jumping around......ffs.
Premium Unleaded
Nope, no lag at all.
Just unable to load to any of my characters (euro server).
Just unable to load to any of my characters (euro server).
Little tip to anyone struggling to log on; if you have a character in your guild hall, log on that one then move to any outpost using the American districts. Worked perfectly for me.
thats what u get with free online games

No, this is more likely the result of anets automatic event updates, decorations and all that dont need a client update anymore, but the main event does, the decorations are gone, but the event is still live and many, many people are still on the boardwalk, not getting kicked out because theres no new build, which should have been released the same time the decorations go away.
I'll be laughing myself to sleep tonight.
I Am Not Ok
err07,DC, cant load into GH, cant RA,HA, or GvG..gg anet
Getting more and more pissed off every min...
i am also having serious lag to this site for the last hour.
@McMullen, tnx for that tip if it works!
As soon as I get in GW again i am gonna leave 1 toon in GH at all times.
Ofcourse i cant implement it right now.
@McMullen, tnx for that tip if it works!
As soon as I get in GW again i am gonna leave 1 toon in GH at all times.
Ofcourse i cant implement it right now.
Polgara Val
Fluffy sheepy
I just came online in euro on my rt. It worked by clicking: jdh87rh23098rh2304r23
324uir b2387rh23
5r34 90h9348q htniojrwe ngp weat01324qu85z3145 nm346 kn134o5
34h5 937148h5 n3429ikb 5n23409i6 tn8mwq4 5
q34 nm13289't n1324i pwbto34
tj324q98gn 34opkgq34opigj
324uir b2387rh23
5r34 90h9348q htniojrwe ngp weat01324qu85z3145 nm346 kn134o5
34h5 937148h5 n3429ikb 5n23409i6 tn8mwq4 5
q34 nm13289't n1324i pwbto34
tj324q98gn 34opkgq34opigj