12 Jun 2010 at 14:13 - 15
I vanquished one map everyday on random character, got one profession each, so... that would take me ages.
This I only do on the character that has the most maps uncovered, 0.01% of map to uncovered in Nightfall, planning to start from Kamadan once more, scrap the edge and comb the grass inch by inch even if it crippled my wrist.
I probably would be collecting orr emblems, getting ready for Halloween O.o yeah, I know, so far away, but what to do, hackers stole all my alcohol, but I think it would be less boring, if I start early, I don't have to be farming for orr emblems everyday, I could do it like maybe a few runs per week. and still be able to vanquished.
After that, I want to unlock/buy all available skills of all profession for my main character.
Also last continent to vanquished for my main is Cantha, 5 more maps, thats usually 5 days, but , i don't play only one character, so it will take as long as needed.
then I want to complete the Zaishen Title track, and the Kurzicks and Luxon title track. that would bring me to 20 maxed titles.
Then it would be drinking drinking drinking and more drinking, I only wish i have my alcohol now, I use to do the drunkard title while playing .... I don't think i can complete this title if I had to stand in town just clicking ...