Obsidian Edge
Obsidian Edge
req 12 Swordmanship
+5 energy inscription
+30 health
s/b: 45e
r/b: 53e
b/o: 60e
Also Selling some celestial weapons
All are NON inscribable. Offer whatever you feel like on these weapons and I will most likely accept.
1. Celestial Longbow req10
c/o: 5k
2. Celestial Longbow req11
15% -1 energy regen
3. Celestial Scepter req11 Water Magic
10% skill recharge all spells
+5 energy while enchnated
4. Celestial Longbow req11
+5 energy
5. Celestial Longbow req 10
15% -5 energy
IGN: Monk Wreck
This auction will end 3 bumps after the reserve bid is hit.
req 12 Swordmanship
+5 energy inscription
+30 health
s/b: 45e
r/b: 53e
b/o: 60e
Also Selling some celestial weapons
All are NON inscribable. Offer whatever you feel like on these weapons and I will most likely accept.
1. Celestial Longbow req10
c/o: 5k
2. Celestial Longbow req11
15% -1 energy regen
3. Celestial Scepter req11 Water Magic
10% skill recharge all spells
+5 energy while enchnated
4. Celestial Longbow req11
+5 energy
5. Celestial Longbow req 10
15% -5 energy
IGN: Monk Wreck
This auction will end 3 bumps after the reserve bid is hit.
bump 129384-019283823
bump ashioasjdklas
Awex Mafyews
1. Celestial Longbow req10
5k here
IGN: Awex Mafyews
5k here
IGN: Awex Mafyews
bump saihdiaskdjasdasdas
[email protected]
Obsidian Edge
req 12 Swordmanship
+5 energy inscription
+30 health
req 12 Swordmanship
+5 energy inscription
+30 health
bump hgghdfgyftxrdc
Bump asdkjlasda
Anonymous IXl
I offer Unded Kuunavang, Unded Mini Asura, 20 Zkeys, Q8 +15% dmg while enchanted Fellblade
Trade obby edge for my q11 emerald blade and 3e?
ign: Ninjitsu Troop X
ign: Ninjitsu Troop X
3. Celestial Scepter req11 Water Magic
10% skill recharge all spells
+5 energy while enchnated
5k on it PM me the price you have in mind please.
10% skill recharge all spells
+5 energy while enchnated
5k on it PM me the price you have in mind please.