Selling Golds & Greens


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2009

The Guardians of flame


Illyana's staff

Energy +10
Chaos damage 11-22 (9 domination)
Halves casting time of spells (10% chance)
Halves skill recharge of spells (20% chance)
Enerrgy +5
Health +30

Turep's Spear

Peircing damage 14-27 (9 spear mastery)
Damage +15% (while health is above 50%)
Energy gain on hit +1
Energy regen -1
health +30

Bastion of The condemned

Armor: 16 (9 Motivation)
Recieved physcial damage: -5 (chance 20%)
Health +30

Shocking Nightmare Spear of Fortitude

Shcoking damage: 14-27
+14 damage (while health is above 50%)
Health +20

Ilsundur's Focus

+12 (9 energy storage)
Halves skill recharge of spells (10% chance)
Health +30

I will add more later

IGN: Vital Sight

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