closed due to a ventari forum violation



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2007



EDITED by cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: Multiple Threads within 24-hoursAny new thread posted in the same section within 24-hours of a previous thread is considered a violation. Make sure you wait 24 hours from the last time you posted on your older thread before you open a new one. Don't forget to close your older thread!! Click on the top post and change your prefix to Closed. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages.

Because your thread has violated the guidelines your thread is now closed.

Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006




S/B on all them

IGN Kingg Ghost



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2007



bump .........


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2010

What Can u use em for?

EDITED by Cosyfiep
for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.