Well, uh, first time making a suggestion here in Sardelac, so here goes. And I've checked the index and searched and stuff, so I guess I'm safe.
I've seen and heard some people who are concerned with unlocking armor and stuff in PvP. Even though some people aren't concerned with it, it'd be cool if whenever you'd buy a piece of armor in PvE, it would unlock it for PvP uses. For some of you 12, 24, 36, whatever # of silver coins won't hurt unlocking pvp armor, but for some others it might.
So the only drawback I can think of atm (pls post more drawbacks! :P) is that it would make PvE and PvP characters closer to being almost similar. I don't want it to make buying armor in other ways pointless. I'm pretty sure there're waayy more drawbacks, I just can't think when I've gone a week without GW....... heh.
This is probably unnecessary to implement, and I know that the type of armor doesn't matter, just as long as you're wearing armor and have decent runes/insigs/etc.
I am also aware of the suggestion to make PvP armor permanently unlocked. I can see this suggestion as a very similar suggestion, but only through different means.
Feedback is appreciated, and I'm sure this idea will be shot down lol. I'm not totally for it or against it, I just wanted to suggest this here. And, if there is a thread like this that I missed, please post a link or something. Cheers!
Oh, and please excuse any typos and organization issues (enter key much? :/), it's what vacation does to you.
Ability to unlock armor for PvP from PvE?
There is a line drawn for pvp and pve. Don't mix the two together.
Threads are for discussion.
PvP is dead, so having such a change would do nothing.
PvP is dead, so having such a change would do nothing.
Well that's about good enough for me :P. Should I leave the thread, have it closed, or just delete the OP?
From my point of view, i think that most of the armor skins (all of them except the basic ones) should be acquired only through PvP play, because in some way they should reflect the experience of someone in PvP, the effort he put in it (well, at least in theory). If someone wants to create a nice shiny character with little effort, well, there's already PvE. The same is true for weapon's skins. If buying skins in PvE unlocked them for PvP, you would see everyone in PvP with shiny armors and weapons. This can be good for someone, but i would prefer that those things were only the reward for PvP play. (Personal opinion though)
Oh, well, it wasn't intended to be sarcasm, but now it sorta looks like it . I get what's being said, that there's a definite split between PvP and PvE, and it should be left that way, and more armor isn't needed.
On the weapons.... I know that weapon trick with the heroes, but too bad it doesn't work with armor. :/
So let's shoot the topic down more
Umm... you can earn z-coins from PvE, too, can't you? So then you could get PvP armor from PvE in a way, right? So if PvP armor was one way to show one's accomplishments in PvP, why can it be earned in PvE?
I iz confoosed
On the weapons.... I know that weapon trick with the heroes, but too bad it doesn't work with armor. :/
So let's shoot the topic down more
Umm... you can earn z-coins from PvE, too, can't you? So then you could get PvP armor from PvE in a way, right? So if PvP armor was one way to show one's accomplishments in PvP, why can it be earned in PvE?
I iz confoosed
Bob Slydell
Eragon Zarroc
this change will make it too easy to gain armor in pvp. it isn't suppose to be easy, it is suppose to be difficult. If you want to play in a particular armor, set up you PvE character to play in pvp, or unlock pvp armor through tourny points or z-coins.
Yes, you can. I don't like it very much, though, for the reason you just said. However, i don't know how many PvErs use zcoins to equip PvP-only toons.
Dervish Kid
Assasin Foxx
/Not Signed
Stop thinking of it as spending 36 keys to unlock a skin, because it's not. You're buying the item with your zcoins.
Eowin Of Rohan
Ok, there is a line between pvp and pve but ... you can already unlock heroes, runes, insignas, inscriptions in PVE. Why not armor?
Plus, since PvE characters can access pvp, the armors can't be a way of showing your accomplishments. There is no way in battle to differenciate a PvE char with his pve elite armor and a pvp char with his pvp unlocked armor.
In order to show your accomplishments, you can still display titles.
Ok, there is a line between pvp and pve but ... you can already unlock heroes, runes, insignas, inscriptions in PVE. Why not armor?
Plus, since PvE characters can access pvp, the armors can't be a way of showing your accomplishments. There is no way in battle to differenciate a PvE char with his pve elite armor and a pvp char with his pvp unlocked armor.
In order to show your accomplishments, you can still display titles.