I've seen and heard some people who are concerned with unlocking armor and stuff in PvP. Even though some people aren't concerned with it, it'd be cool if whenever you'd buy a piece of armor in PvE, it would unlock it for PvP uses. For some of you 12, 24, 36, whatever # of silver coins won't hurt unlocking pvp armor, but for some others it might.
So the only drawback I can think of atm (pls post more drawbacks! :P) is that it would make PvE and PvP characters closer to being almost similar. I don't want it to make buying armor in other ways pointless. I'm pretty sure there're waayy more drawbacks, I just can't think when I've gone a week without GW....... heh.
This is probably unnecessary to implement, and I know that the type of armor doesn't matter, just as long as you're wearing armor and have decent runes/insigs/etc.
I am also aware of the suggestion to make PvP armor permanently unlocked. I can see this suggestion as a very similar suggestion, but only through different means.
Feedback is appreciated, and I'm sure this idea will be shot down lol. I'm not totally for it or against it, I just wanted to suggest this here. And, if there is a thread like this that I missed, please post a link or something. Cheers!
Oh, and please excuse any typos and organization issues (enter key much? :/), it's what vacation does to you.