Have a whole bunch weapon mods in my xunlia chest, leave IGN and offer and ill pst you as soon as I can.
IGN: Jazarak Maz
Axe upgrades:
Barbed Axe Haft; lengthens bleed by 33%
Cruel Axe Haft; lengthens Deep Wound by 33%
Hammer Upgrades
Cruel Hammer Haft; lengthens deep wound by 33%
Dagger Upgrades
Crippling Dagger Tang; lengthens crippled by 33%
Staff upgrades
Staff wrapping of Devotion; health +44 while enchanted
Staff wrapping of fortitude; health +25
staff wrapping of warding; armor +6 vs ele dmg
defensive staff head armor +5
Bow Upgrades
Barbed bow string; lengthens bleed by 33%
Icy bow string; cold dmg
Crenellated Scythe; Dmg 9-36, req 10, inscript "vengeance is Mine" dmg +10% health < 50%
Clairvoyant Staff of of Enchanting; Halves Skill recharge 19%, energy +10, 11-12 dmg, req 12, enchants last 16% longer, inscript I am sorrow, energy +6 while hexed
EDITED by Shadowhaze: Changed your prefix from Mixed to Low-End as the majority of your items are less than 100k. If you are unsure what the value of an item is, please use our Price Check forums. You may remove this message once you've seen it.
Xunlia Clean out
Daily bump, all items still available