Shields shields shields

Emperor Bush

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007

Pandas of a Thousand Gentlemens or Something [LOD]

All shields are inscribable:

1. Draconic Aegis (Req 10 Tactics) (SOLD)

2. Magmas Shield (Req 12 Stregnth)

3. Eternal Shield (Req 9 Tactics) (SOLD)

4. Eternal Shield (Req 10 Motivation) (SOLD)

5. Zodiac Shield (Req 12 Motivation)

6. Demonic Aegis (Req 13 Motivation)

7. Exalted Aegis (Req 12 Motivation)

8. Celestial Shield (Req 9 Strength) (SOLD)

9 Gloom Shield (Req 12 Strength)

10. Gloom Shield (Req 9 Tactics)

11. Gloom Shield (Req 10 Tactics)

12. Diamond Aegis (Req 9 Command)

13. Celestial Shield (Req 13 Tactics)
You can leave offers and in game names...

In Game Name: Ms Condoleezza Rice

Emperor Bush

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007

Pandas of a Thousand Gentlemens or Something [LOD]

bumped and updated

Emperor Bush

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007

Pandas of a Thousand Gentlemens or Something [LOD]



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009


20k on q9 eternal tactics ign:reloaded rulzz



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2010


8. Celestial Shield (Req 9 Strength)


IGN: Apollo I V